
Divorcing your parents?

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can someone give me some info on that. Like how old you have to be, what you have to do to get divorced & stuff like that.. I really don't want your opinion on this(like you shouldnt do that you will regret it yadi ya) i just want answers please. Thank you




  1. To be emancipated by the courts in Florida:

    1) you must be 16

    2) a petition must be filed by a parent, gaurdian, or gaurdian ad litem (this is a person issued by the courts to act as legal gaurdian for a minor and work in the minors best interests)

    3) the petition must show that the minor is independent and capable of supporting himself (and the child if they are a parent)

    4) the minor must be supporting himself or have a specific plan

    5) the minor can't depend on public benefits

    6) the petition must give the judge reasons why the minor needs to be emancipated

    This website was a pretty good quick overview

    This site gives the real full text of Florida law*t...


    In most states there are only three ways to be emancipated as a minor (divorced from your parents)

    1) enlist in the military - which requires parental consent

    2) get married - which requires parental consent

    or 3) have a judge issue a court order

    The exact protocol to petition the court varies from state to state, but the basics are:

    1) file a petition with family court in your jurisdiction

    2) cite reasons why it is in your best interest to be emancipated

    3) prove that you can support yourself financially

    4) most states require that you aren't living with your parents for a period of time before the petition is made, but that also means your parents have consented to that or else it's just classified as running away

    emancipations are rarely granted, but to learn more google "emancipation of minors in" whatever state you live in

  2. If you are under 18 you can be emancipated try and google about it

  3. This question was asked before. See source

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