
Dizzyness, I feel like I'm falling through the floor and I have a bit of a headache...?

by  |  earlier

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what's going on?

I keep nearly falling off my chair.




  1. You should probably go ly down in a dark room

    Drink alot of water, have a bite to eat and take some IB Profen

    In the morning if you still feel like this, get some one to take you too the could be a balance problem associated with your inner ear

    Good Luck

  2. Sounds like Vertigo to me..

    Many times, vertigo stems from problems with the inner or middle ear.  Go see your doctor.  

  3. WOW i was feeling like that before 2   when you lay down do you feel like you have absolutely no energy and all your will could barely get you up whit a weird "tingling" sensation through your entire body?  also it was very hot in my home for weeks on end and i had lots of stress and was not eating properly ,    anyways if you find an answer to that please let me know (if that's even possible whit yahoo answers )

    also it could be a heat stroke get water in you

    good luck!

  4. go to the doctor  

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