
Dmv driving test?

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when you are changing lane to the right and to the left how are you suppose to look?

by the way this is for the driver test..




  1. Side mirrors, then over shoulder to blind spot.

  2. you first want to signal in the direction.  then check your rear view mirror, the appropriate side mirror then turn your head to check your blind spot.   if there isn't a car in the side mirror or blind spot, go for it.  also in your rear view mirror, you should be at least 2 headlights of the car in the lane you want to enter in order to make the procedure correct.  use this on the test cause the instructor will be looking that you have kept the safe gap between the car your entering in front/behind.  this is the same method you use for leaving a curb.  also, keep your speed constant, don't slow down much.

  3. Use the SMOG Rule. Signal, Mirror, Over shoulder, and Go. Maintain your speed and make sure that you don't look over your shoulder to far back. Your blind spot is right beside you. This way you don't look to far back and turn the wheel too much and go swerving off of the road or in to the other lane of traffic.

  4. Signal first, then check appropriate side mirror, then look over appropriate shoulder to check the blind spot, then make the lane change. Keep speed as constant as possible during whole time.
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