
Do 13 year old guys like girls with their period or without?

by  |  earlier

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Or they don't care.




  1. it dont matter what they going like you because you going to come on so if they dont like you move on with your liife

  2. I don't see why they'd care.

    I mean it's a part of life unfortunatly.

  3. Well I don't see how they would know either way unless you're going around advertising it. 13 year olds shouldn't be having s*x, so I don't see why it would matter to the boy.

  4. well i dont think guys would know that kind of stuff

  5. They wouldn't even know. But because they are immature and stupid they probably find the thought of bleeding to be disgusting, but who cares, guys grow up too and they get over it. By the time you are old enough for s*x, they may have a partial understanding of the female reproductive system and by the time you have a serious boyfriend you will complain to him about your period all the time lol

  6. with out**

  7. Well, when an idiot goes up to me and says 'Have you started you period yet' I either:

    say 'Yeah, looks like I'm matture. Now if you will excuse me, I don't have time for kids...' it's really funny because I do it in all posh and adult-like manner, then we both burst out laughing and forget the whole thing.

    or if I get pissed off, I take out a pad, open it and stick it to their forehead. But I have to be fast. It's fun! :D

    Why the h**l would they care, and why would YOU care at that age?

  8. So... 13 year old boys dont even know if you have your period or not. do you really think that they think about that. if your willing to put out, (WHICH YOU SHOULDNT) they dont care. its apart of growing up.

    guys like girls no matter what!

  9. most 13 year old boys dont care as long as the girl has b***s and lips, theyre fine with it.

    and some of them dont even know about periods anyway, and i dont see why they would care. that means that your a woman....

  10. WTF?! Why would they care?

  11. what the h**l this is a dumb question why would they care its not like the girl could stop it or something

  12. They shouldn't know, it's none of their buissness

    and.... If they don't like a girl, because she has her period they are jerkss!!!

    They really shouldn't care**

  13. Why would they care it would prolly gross them out.

  14. Its none of their business

  15. they wouldn't even know! guys only know if a girl has their period if the girl tells them! and its not like it would matter.....ALL girls will eventually get their period so they SHOULD know that!

  16. How are they gonna know??!!! They shouldn't know!

  17. how the **** would the guy even know?!?!!?

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