
Do's And Don'ts in case of a tornado?

by  |  earlier

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what are some things you should do, and shouldn't do.




  1. Do's-

    If your outside,run back into your house,if not near your house then get into a ditch and lie as flat as you can.In your house run into your basement under the stairs,if you have no basment then hide in the bathtub.ALWAYS stay away from windows and walls that lead outside just in case they can get injured.Also,try having a small,portable radio that you can use and listen to updated weather information.

    Dont's-Dont go outside,dont go under a bridge,dont stand upstairs and watch the tornadoe.Dont go near the windows.

  2. DO: just for my entertainment, get a video camera, tape it, and stick it on youtube. but make sure you are able to get underground quickly if needed

    DONT: don't hide under a bridge or park your car in the middle of the interstate for no apparent reason, forcing others to unwillingly hide under a bridge

  3. Dont hide under a bridge. hide in a ditch instead

  4. Seek shelter in a basement, closet, or shower. Or, if you are driving- a ditch. Do not seek shelter in a mobile home. Duck your head, and cover it with your hands(or ideally a pillow or other soft object). Stay away from windows. Do not try to save possessions whilst in heading, and do not try to go see the tornado. Do not try to outrun it in a car, or seek it out.

    When you hear the sirens, or watch the TV and they tell you it's a warning- it's time to seek safety.

    Never go out when you are in hiding during the tornado and you hear a sudden calm.

    I heard once people say you should open all windows. But, I think it was later proved not to have any real benefit it just wastes time you could be using getting to safety.

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