
Do's and dont's in the restaurants and hotel?

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Do's and dont's in the restaurants and hotel?




  1. I am all for tipping and I tip well but good or great service.  But for crappy service, I will not tip anything.  You can forget that.

    Who invented tipping anyway.  It sucks to have to pay more for your food than what it costs.  The wait staff works for the resturant.  They should be the ones paying them, not the customer.  But don't get me wrong, I do tip because that is how they make there money and it would suck for them to only make two or three bucks a hour, if they do a good job.

  2. In the U.S., here are the general rules-

    Waitstaff:15% for crappy service, 18% for fair, 20% plus for good service.

    Bussers:Tipped out by waitstaff, but slip him/her a few extra dollars if you see that they are working extra hard for you.

    Bellman:$3 min. per bag (If they're going to your room, $10 min. Period.)

    Doorman:Usually around $5 (that's in and out)

    Anyone hailing you a cab:$5

    Housekeeping:$5 per day left in cash in appropriate envelope marked specifically for housekeeping.  Also, be kind to the housekeeper... no one wants to clean up vomit off the toilet, spilled ashtrays everywhere, or crushed beer cans on the floor.  And for God's sake... flush a used condom and don't leave it in the bed on on the floor.Eeewwww.

    Hope I was helpful!

  3. Restaurants

    - Always tip your server - a good rule of thumb is at least twice the sales tax - 15-20% would be even better.

    - If a bus person is providing superior service, remember to tip them a dollar or two directly as well. They only receive a share of the tips, and the waiter often will not see that they are bringing you extra coffee, water, napkins or whatever you need.

    - When you are finished with your meal, place your utensils together on the plate, and possibly even place the plate to the side of the table for easy removal.

    - Always say please and thank you


    - Even though housekeeping will be cleaning up your room every day, it is thoughtful to at least keep some semblance of order - don't just throw towels all over the bathroom or leave a mess in the sinks.

    - You should remember to tip your housekeeper as well, particularly if you are staying more than one night. A couple of bucks is always greatly appreciated.

    - Remember to check out before check out time to avoid additional charges. If you cannot make the regular check out time, check with the hotel if they have arrangements for late check outs.

    And as a general rule, common courtesy and manners will get you a long way - if you act like you normally do at your mothers' house - or even better, as you would act at your grandmothers' house or church, you will be fine.

  4. DO tip your waitstaff/server at least 15 percent.  20 for excellent service.  Listen Canadians!!! Servers where i live (south carolina) only make $2.13 per hour!!!! Plus most of us have to pay out the assistants/busboys and the hostess!!!

  5. Don't give your servers 15% tip. They have a tip law that says if they don't get enough tips that the restaurant has to pay them the minimum wage. Instead, they are getting 2 stinkin bucks, and they are making the customers pay for them. We shouldn't be paying for them!!!

    Why don't you tip the workers that work at the concession stand at the movie theate?. Heck, they gave me popcorn. They deserve 15% too! How about I tip the automobile guy that just fixed my car? Why not? Let's make the whole stinkin world get tipped, and we will all get 2 stinkin bucks an hour.

    Heck, I might as well tip that person that works at the bowling alley because she got my shoes, and she turned on the lane, and helped me when the lane broke down. Heck, that mechanic should get tipped. He fixed the lane in a timely fashion manner.

    If they do a bad job, they get fired. It shouldn't have to be about giving them good tips!!

    In a hotel, don't make a complete mess for the people that clean your sheets, and remember to tip those people so they can make a mint off of people that tip them!!

    The waiters, and waitresses LOVE the tip law. They get over minimum wage. Why should they complain? They should dump this stupid law, and say you can't give your waiter, and waitresses tips anymore. Pay them the RIGHT amount of money!!!

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