
Do 4 year olds like lining things up or is this a symptom of autism?

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Lines of blocks, or cards, or anything that comes to hand. Also stacking things. I heard this was a symptom of autism and just wonder whether normal kids also do it (though maybe not as obscessively?)?




  1. All my boys have done this, including my 4yo. None have Autism.

    He is just playing.

  2. I have had 5 children and I can assure you that lining things up (especially cars and blocks) and stacking things is perfectly normal.

  3. Autism is one disorder that does have children that do that.  They like to repeat things so they are great with patterns and so they like to line the stuff up.  It is a repeating thing.  OCD (Obsessive Compulsive DIsorder) in children can make them do it too.  There are a few disorders that could probably cause it but those are the first two that come to my mind, autism being the top one that i have seen.  

  4. My son loves to line his cars up and his dinosaurs. I think its pretty normal. Hes a bit hyper but hes 3 1/2 lol. I wouldn't worry too much :)

  5. Does the child speak? Does the child look at you when you talk to them? If so, you have nothing to worry about. They're just developing in the brain very well!

  6. My 4 year old lines stuff up and she's not autistic.

  7. I'd say stop worrying about it. I would doubt that it's autism, if anything it would be a sign of Obsessive Compulsive disorder, but that's highly unlikely too. Kids play with things, they explore what they can do with things. It's what kids do.

  8. My nephew, who is autistic, does this but so does my 4 year old son and he is certainly not autistic so stress less for now at least....

  9. all my children did this and they r all fine my daughter loves to count them when she has lined them up maybe u could do this with ur son/daughter it will help him/her when it comes to math

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