
Do 6 week old kittens need milk?

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And what kind? The mother is not available. Help, I have never adopted a cat this young before. Any advice on additional nutritional information will be helpful. I want him to grow to be a healthy male cat.




  1. Yes they do but careful not to give them people milk. To much gas for their little tummy's to digest. go to a pet supermarket and u can get kitty milk  

  2. At six weeks, the kitten is close to being weaned, and can probably make it with a gruel, which is normally a mixture of kitten replacement milk and kitten chow, sort of crushed together.  Kitten replacement milk is sold at most pet stores, and even in the pet food section of grocery stores.  Or, you can make your own:

    3 oz condensed milk

    3 oz water

    4 oz plain yogurt (not low fat)

    3 large or 4 small egg yolks - no whites

    I have given a link that will contain a wealth of information.  If really six weeks, most of the real challenges are behind you.  You could consider taking him (?) to a vet.  At six weeks, it really is difficult for a non-expert to know the s*x, unless it is a calico or tortie.

  3. milk can give kitten the runs. If you think they need milk go to the store and get milk for them in the pet dept. Sometime the mother does not give enough to the runt or a mother cat dies so then you can buy the liq. or powder milk and mix it following the directions and medicine droppers for infants work really well.

  4. You can buy special milk for kittens. Give him that, and soft food - he should be nearly weaned, so you should only need the milk for another two weeks to a month.

  5. I also have a 6 week old, at that age, they can start to eat regular foods. get her some kitten chow, and put a lil water in it to soften it up, she should go to town on it, and put some milk down, and water.

    Purchase some kitten kibble and place into a bowl and set for them to enjoy. They are at the age of where milk shouldn't be important. If they don't eat the dry food, you can try mixing a can of soft food with the dry and over time, reduce the amount of soft food and increase the amount of dry. Keep fresh water available at all times. Be sure to get them fixed and up to date with shots if you plan on adopting them out. You can also contact your local shelter for low cost plans.

    I think, that in pet stores, they should sell Kitten Milk, or even some super markets.

    Good look.

  6. you can start to wean a kitten between 6-8 weeks,as their is no mother can  start weaning the kittens on solid food now.

  7. Kitten chow whether dry or moistened with little with water is all he will need (and a bowl of water of course).  At 6 weeks he has enough teeth to eat kitten chow.  Its important to use kitten chow until about 1 year old because it has extra nutrients and it is smaller bite size so they do not get choked.  If you give it milk you will make him sick!!  He will drink the milk instead of eating and end up with diahhrea.  You can tell the s*x of a cat at 6 weeks - even younger.  Even if you cannot yet see testicles, a girls a**s will be close to the urinary/vaginal opening.   A boys will be farther apart.   Kittens will need a series of shots (3 total the first year) and a rabies at 4 months, so call and set up your new addition with a vet appointment as soon as you can.   Congratulations and best of luck!

  8. Just feed them that soft food in a can.

  9. Yeah Of course.

    My 4 years old cat drinks milk a lot.

    Woah idk why??

    6 Weeks Old Kitten Need Warm Milk.

    Like Their Mothers Milk Are warm

    Buscuits+Milk = <3What Kittens Loves<3

    That's Good For Kitten..

    Vet Told Me That Too....

    Feed You Kitten Buscuits & Milk If they Didn't Like It.

    Then Give Them Warm Milk Like What I Said.

    Good Luck.


  10. 1 ask your vet.  You will need to get shots anyway so ask the vet to give him a good exam to see if there are any problems you might need to address.  Kitten food is good and gives them the vitamins and minerals they need.  Cats supposedly are lactose intolerant but my grandparents were dairy farmers and their cats got milk every milking.  Each animal is different.  Enjoy your new bundle of joy.  My cat is 13 1/2 years old and I wouldn't give her up for anything.

  11. no need for milk at 6weeks, however, you should start him on a good quality kitten food such as Purina One for kittens are on this food and you wouldnt believe how beautiful their fur and features are and I attribute it to this food

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