
Do AS results reflect future A2 results?

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Sorry I couldn't phrase this in an easy form of question. Does getting good grades at AS level mean you will get good grades at A2? What I'm really trying to ask is if A2 is a lot harder than AS.

I got 4 As at AS but am wondering whether I will be likely to achieve another 3 at A2. Also would you think a Uni asking for ABB would be a good back up for me? Again sorry for the complicated form of question.




  1. My Head of Sixth was always going on about how statistics show that the majority of people drop down a grade from their AS's. I think a Uni asking for ABB should be good for you as a backup. As long as you work hard, you should be able to keep at least a couple of them As... Maybe even all of them!

    Good luck!

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