
Do Airline get it ....WRONG

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Airlines encourage us to book on-line, however when it goes wrong! we the traveller are accused for making the mistake? yesterday i was told computer don't make mistakes, does BA know something i don't know, they make big mistakes! look at terminal 5 and the guy who was let loose with a paint brush to paint the planes, how much did that mistake cost, i booked a flight from HK to London for the 4th they took my money gave me the 5th then wanted me to pay 1260$ fee's for their mistake, surely i should be charging them, i also missed my connection flight. do computers never make mistakes???? do airlines make Mistakes and more they ever admit it?




  1. If you did it on the website you entered in the wrong dates and like most people are in too much of a hurry to actually read what screens are coming up and just hitting enter enter enter.

  2. A computer will not give you the wrong date for a booking, you entered the wrong date and continued with the purchase without checking you entries, own up when you are in the wrong

  3. So how many times did you have to click to confirm? Personally, I've never booked a ticket online that I haven't had to confirm at least 4 times.

  4. Yes, airlines do get it wrong sometimes but dates and times of flights booked online are not one of them, most people are in such a hurry that they don't check, they just hit confirm.

    In the old days, bookings were made and read back to customers, don't think there were so many date errors then.

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