
Do Airlines only recruit slim females between size 8-12 for cabin crew position?

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Does Emirates Airline only recruit slim females between size 8-12 for cabin crew position?

My friend has advised me to send my CV to Emirates, so I can attend the Global open day with her but im scared I might be rejected because im a curvy. Is it possible Emirates may reject me for the cabin crew position because I have a big bone structure, although according to my bmi im on the ideal weight?




  1. Dear

    No need of inferiority in this regard,

    Airline people will see the pleasent ness, personality, presentability, attraction and energetic nature in you while the interview, and some times they will recruit only slim persons depends on the interviewer.

    By the way, I had seen many of Emirates Airlines Cabin Crews are fatty and short. Dont hesitate to go the interview, present yourself, be energetic, charming etc...etc... while interview. It is 100% depends on your presentation only...

    All the best,


  2. trust me there are two ways to get the job wether you are fit or you know some body in there.

  3. I dont want to ruin your plans, but I want to share my experience when I applied for Cabin Crew for Emirates Airlines 2 weeks ago.

    I am a size 6 girl, stands 5'10" tall and I'm quite heavy. I have been into sports as long as I remember...that explains why I am about 75kg. They kind of checked me with my physical appearance and all but when I hit the scale, thats where it somehow ended. For my height, maximum weight is 70kg. They said I can lose the 5 kilos then I can apply again.

    I felt bad...but not too bad. Im trying to lose weight so I can re-apply again. Hope this helps.=D

  4. trust me i have seen some big air hostesess and im hundred percent sure you are skinny and beautiful so go ahead and try you will surely make it and if u dont than they can't see how attractive u r

  5. i applied there before but didn't make it because from what i've heard (and seen during the interview), appearance does matter - but not in the weight category. they prefer doe-eyed, 'yes sir yes ma'am' people-pleasers who would never ever ever talk back to a client even in the most extreme circumstances. so weight doesn't matter.

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