
Do Al Sharpton and Jesse more harm to "Their People" than good, and what % share their ideals?

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Do Al Sharpton and Jesse more harm to "Their People" than good, and what % share their ideals?




  1. of course not they survive because many black see them as a necessary prod to push our society to be less racist

  2. According to the polls in Mississippi    91%

  3. I don't know how many people actually agree with these men, but anyone who to tries to perpetuate and extend the entitlement mentality is doing more harm than good. Anyone who uses claims of racism to avoid having to honestly discuss legitimate concerns and issues is doing more harm than good. The only proved path to success in life is when you personally take responsibility for your own life, support and well being. Cycles of dependency are self fulfilling prophesies. If you believe that the world is against you and that you have no hope of success without intervention of government then this will become your reality.

  4. i think they are both racists.  thing would be a whole lot better race wise if these 2 would just shut up.  i think they are troublemakers and are making a good living by causing hard feelings between the races.

  5. When you look at the times these two are in the news is when they can make an issue on race. They need to work and help get that dream Mr. King had for his people. The educated black people really don't have alot to say about the two of them, the lost people are ready to support them and their ideas.

  6. they help by shedding light on problems with racism......If it were not for AL Sharpton, the Jenna 6 case would have been simply swept under America's "Rug of Racism"....Sometimes these particular individuals go about it the wrong way and there agenda seems to be "political" sometimes

  7. They need the discrimination and hate. Without it, they are out of a job!

  8. The issue that white people have with them is: They try to make issues out of non-issues ... then when something happens that is really important, we tune them out. Like the boy who cried wolf, I suppose.

    So, I would say that they hurt "their people" by using silly situations to get on the news.

    I couldn;t even tell you one thing that they have said or done recently, because I automatically assume that they are trumping something else up to get publicity, then my mind turns them off.

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