
Do American's know much about Canadian geography? If no, why not?

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Are American's taught any Canadian geography in middle school or high school? Do most American's typically know all the Canadian provincial capitals?




  1. Do Canadians know much about American geography?

    How many states are there?

    Names of those states?

    Names of the state capitols?

    Get off your high horse; you look stupid up there.

  2. while I hate to point out the ignorance of my fellow Americans, have you seen the question on the Canadian bathrooms?  

    Some people just dont' pay attention in school.  Others just don't care about anyone but themselves.  They can't find their own state capitals (although there are 50, maybe that is just too much to remember) let alone others.  If you are up late, watch The Jay Leno Show's Jaywalking segment - it shows that many Americans don't know their own current events - unless it has to do with pop culture, let alone global ones.  it is amusing and sad at the same time.

  3. No.. it's mythical white areas on the edge of the map

    Something that you should consider...Most Americans can't show you Kansas city or Louisville KY on a map, identify all fifty states, or name the capital of any state they have not lived in... what would make canada any more special?

  4. No- The majority of Americans are pretty clueless about Geography.  Say the word "Nunavut" and they will get a blank stare.  It is really sad- With Bush's No Child Left Behind Debacle- the children have really lost out on any type of good well-rounded education.  It is all about passing standardized tests anymore.  Canada has so much to offer- I have visited Manitoba, Alberta, and B.C. extensively.  People there are much friendlier and the streets are much cleaner.  ----------------------  American kids sometimes don't even know their own state capital.

  5. Ya, I had to memorize all the provinces and capitals for one of my high school history classes, but I've forgotten most of it now...

    I've also got a few loonies and toonies that I picked up from my two Canadian team-mates during a volleyball tournament in Europe.  I affectionately dubbed them loonie and toonie for the rest of the trip :)

  6. they should..but don't learn it in school.i find canada a much nicer place. Canada does have a lot to offer

  7. Canada does have an impact on the world and has already contributed a lot to the world like insulin.

    If you do not know, please do not put down Canadians for nothing. You make yourself look like an idiot as the first answerer.

    the asker is just asking a simple question. if you do not know, then state you do not know. I doubt Canadians know more about US geography than their own anyway.

    what is it with you americans taking every opportunity to put down Canadians. At least Canadians are responsible and accountable for their actions to people around the world.

    They do not go around hurting people for their own selfish needs.

    I am not Canadian, have never been there would like to go someday, I like Canada. I just hate when Americans put down Canadians like they are better. Please get of your high horses

  8. I remember being taught Canadian geography in school, and I can name the provinces and place them on a map.  I only remember some of the capitals though.  To be completely frank, Canada doesn't have much of an impact on the world, so people don't really care about their geography...

  9. While it is a common view that Americans are, for the most part, clueless about geography try to understand that it is primarily because too many are taught to believe that the US is all there is. Anything else is labelled "here there be dragons".

    However, as one other responder pointed out, just as many Americans are clueless about their own geography and couldn't find Kansas City if their lives depended on it.

    Also, a lot of Canadians are clueless about Canadian geography. I knew one person who had no idea that Edmonton was further north in Alberta than Calgary.

    Really, it's quite unfair to tar all Americans with the same brush. It's not their fault too many of them have had the message that the US is all there is pummeled into their heads.

  10. no because we know that country does not have much to offer.

  11. Rick Mercer will, from time to time, take his Canadian show into the states and ask Americans really simple questions about Canada.  It is quite funny, try youtubing Rick Mercer.

  12. Yes, they are taught Canadian geography in middle school, but most Americans don't think about Canada after that.  I know Canadians are fond of complaining about how Americans don't care about anything outside of the US borders, but that isn't true.  Many Americans are interested in other countries and cultures--just not Canada.  

    I've never seen Rick Mercer, but it would be just as easy to make Canadians look like idiots, so that isn't proof of anything.

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