
Do American Feminists appreciate sportsmen running arround in tight football shorts as much as Aussie Fems?

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Please discuss your favorite spectator sports?




  1. i love hockey. he's six years younger than me so i feel kind of weird for this but i have a bit of a crush on sidney crosby.

  2. I have no idea if I'm a feminist or not and don't really mind never finding out since I'm basically anti-ANYONE being treated like garbage for invalid reasons, like the way they were born.

    That aside, as a hetero female I definitely don't mind seeing that happen, haha. And if a hetero male doesn't mind seeing sportswomen do the same thing, I can't say I blame him. Har!

    I like watching futbol games. Not for the heinie or anything, actually. But for the announcers, they are hysterical.




    I also like watching the olympics because I'm a dork.

  3. The WNBA.

  4. My father was a rugby follower all his life (still his first love), until Mum started watching the AFL.

    Now they are both addicted.

    Garn the Swannies.

    I blame Warwick Capper, I really, really do.

    Cheers :-)

  5. Rugby League is my fave.  Go Qld in State of Origin 2moro nite!  Warwick Capper is a hornbag.  He's my feminist pinup boy.

  6. I enjoy downhill skiing, snowboarding, diving, figure skating (if you can call that a sport), and gymnastics. I'll only watch football if my team is in the final game of the Grey Cup, and as a Canadian, it is my patriotic duty to watch at least 10 minutes of hockey per year.

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