
Do American citizens need a visa to travel to Spain?

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If so, how long does it take and how do I go about getting it? I will be traveling to Spain for 1 week only for vacation.




  1. You only need a Visa to work there, and an American Visa expires after a year or two. But if you move to Canada for 3 years you are considered a citizen and can have a Canadian Visa that does not expire.

    Peace, SSSSpaceman SSSpliff

  2. No...only passport

  3. Passport and a ticket only. It'll take a couple months to get a passport. Plan ahead and have fun!

  4. you don't need a visa. only a passport.

  5. Not a visa... just a passport. It takes a few months. Plan early.

  6. You've been given the right answers, but I would like to offer another site which is extremely helpful to American citizens wishing to travel abroad;

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