
Do American people think Spain is a poor country?

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Just curious, since I am form Barcelona, Spain (Europe!)

I have the feeling they do...I dunno.




  1. Not any more!

    I lived in Spain many years ago...It was more modest and less industrialized than the US, but I just went back last year, and things have gone very well for them.  (read, things were much more expensive for me, too!  lol - people seemed much better off).

    As for the Hispanic thing...the stereotype of "hispanic", while it generally is seen as Mexicans...because they are among the closest and largest number of immigrants, and a large group of impoverished Americans, as well, Hispanic means coming from a Spanish speaking, Yeah, Spaniards are Hispanic...though not Latinamerican...and unfortunately, many Americans think of all latinamericans as being Mexican (although most of the East Coast would probably lean more toward Puerto Rican and Cuban, esp. in Miami.)

  2. I'm an American and I've been to Spain many times... it is not a country without problems, but to call it a "poor country" would be wildly inaccurate.

    Unfortunately, most Americans never think of Spain at all - in a positive or negative way...  and I suppose that when they do, they think of a European version of Mexico.

    I couldn't agree with you more about the Hispanic/Latin/Mexican/Spanish issue... I have corrected people on so many occasions when they've referred to a Mexican as Spanish... they may speak the language, but that don't mean they are from Spain.  Just like calling an American English - it is incorrect and potentially offensive.

    [edit]  In English, "hispanic" has a pretty broad meaning that can include anybody from Spain as well as those from other Spanish speaking countries.

    [edit]  Oh why, oh why do Americans insist on using the term "Latin American" or the shortened "Latino"?  Don't they know that nobody speaks Latin anymore, and those people didn't come from... oh, wait... Spanish, Portugese, and even French are linguistic descendants of... yep... Latin.  Any part of the Americas where a Romance language is spoken is - Latin America.

    [edit]  EU operation is a hybrid of intergovernmentalism and supranationalism - At some point, it becomes obvious that it is a union of states... similar to any other nation that is comprised of distinct member states (like the US).  Central governance and a single currency were all it took to convince me, but it goes well beyond that... And, since France and Germany run the whole thing, it isn't that far of a stretch to say that they speak French in the EU.

  3. Being half Spanish, I know what you're dealing with. My name is Spanish and people are always like "are you Mexican?". It really does bother me how people assume you're Mexican because you're  name is Spanish. And when Americans talk about Spain MANY of them do seem to think of it as low rate country.

  4. Don't worry. An interesting amount of them also think that "Europe is a country and people speaks French there".

    Regarding the "hispanic" thingy thing, well, I suppose WE spaniards are the true hispanics, aren't we??? What really confuses me is that magnificent american word; "latino". Do they refer to Italian people, from the area of Lazio more specifically??? or do they refer to the bunch of Bolivian quechua guys who just crossed the border into Mexico and then into Texas??

    Aaaahhh, that Beavis and Butthead, "Lake Titicaca" chapter.Awesome. God bless Youtube.


  5. hey, I'm also from Barcelona, and I've been in the USA several times. One of the times, I spent one month with a host family in New England and they asked me if we had microwaves, elevators, dishwashers, washing machines, etc. Those pple had studied at the university, so you cannot say they have a low cultural level. The problem is that some pple in the USA seem to live in a world apart and they just can't see beyond his own state. I'm not saying that this is a general thing, but I guess that many pple are confused between Spain and the countries in Latin America. I think that they have a different perception of countries in Europe like Germany, France or UK, when actually, they are not much richer than us.

    Espero que t'hagi servit!

  6. Actually, America has the highest GDP right now (its GDP is about the same size as that of Japan, Germany, China, and UK added together), making it by FAR the richest country in the world.  Also, the average american makes more than the  average european. I encourage you to look it up, because you will be shocked to see the per capita income in eastern Europe AND Western Europe (with the exception of the Scandinavian states and switzerland) compared that of the USA. Although i believe that many americans sadly equate spain with latin america, it is not the majority.  It is also equally as harmful to use negative sterotypes against america. Not all americans are uncultured.  I have been to europe many times (and loved it) and i am a highly educated individual.

    to answer your question: No i do not think Spain is a poor country.  I have been many times before and although it is not as industrialized as some other western nations, it still is consistently among some of the richest countries in the world.

    and to refute a previous comment "Sorry, but it seems that the United statesens are not exactly clever or educated (I mean culturally) since it seems that they are ONLY interested in their own."

    before you poorly attempt to point out our "stupidity" please learn how to refer to us.  We are called AMERICANS, not United statesens. And if we are not exactly clever or educated then why are there 565,000 international students studying in the US (more than any other country) and only 45,603 in Spain?

    because we have the top educational institutions in the world.

  7. I don't know about other Americans, but I don't think Spain is a poor country at all!  I love it there so much.  I'm going to move there after I graduate college and save up enough money.  SPAINNNNNN <3


    To the guy below me, please know that a lot of Americans have manners, education, and class.  There are idiots here but please don't let that represent the U.S.  I definitely admit there are dumb people here, though.  When I got back from Spain, a friend asked me, "is Spain in Europe?  I always thought Europe was a country."  We are NOT all like that though!

  8. Well, American isn't exactly a melting pot. But that makes us, us. So a common known stereotype or judgement for Hispanics (Due to tv, internet, etc.) is that they are poor. So the answer is yes. :(

    yikes... sorry about that... guess i got sum learning to do :P

  9. Sorry, but it seems that the United statesens are not exactly clever or educated (I mean culturally) since it seems that they are ONLY interested in their own. I don't live in America but I know enough things about it to not to have a wrong idea.

    Spain is the 8th power of the World again (always in a fight face to face with Italy to get the 8th peak) and one of the most socially developed countries of Europe, and even of the world.

    So... yes, we have microwaves, lifts, TV, DVD and that kind of stupid things. lol

    EDIT: Yes, I'm Spaniard, an average Spaniard. And I don't feel different to Italians, French or Austrians.

  10. AMERICA is the poorest country right now. $10 trillion in debt... but it's so stuck up. Always think it's the best out there...

    The average European is richer than the average American.

  11. I don't think Spain is a poor country at all. I just think it doesn't get recognized over here as much as the UK or France.

    For a long time in history, Spain was the dominant country within the world. They had the greatest navy, explorers and technology at one point. They also colonized along with France and England.

    So, I view Spain as a thriving country.

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