
Do Americans, just by nature, generally lean toward pragmatic thinking?

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Do Americans, just by nature, generally lean toward pragmatic thinking?




  1. Depends on the American?

    Rich ones, poor ones, Irish americans, African Americans, educated Americans, Southern Americans ... Indigenous Americans, South Americans, Mexican Americans, Baptist Americans, Jewish Americans, employed Americans and unemployed Americans.

    They are just human beings, and so they can be idealistic (?) depending on their affiliations, maybe?

    All I know is that lately I just feel sorry for the whole lot of them!

  2. All of the world people in general are pragmatic only. The Americans apart from pragmatic are in general egoistic & selfish only. The self oriented egostic charecter resulted in to more than two crores soingle parent family, animals as pets (friends insteaded of human beings) & g**s. Sorry to make this type of comments.

  3. ^



    (I'm the "Exceptional Exception" to her rule...)


    "Pragmatic" is not the word to describe us...

    I would say the more accurate word would be...


  4. Americans emboldened with an inflated sense of superiority, armed to the hilt and educated to obey any regime indoctrinating their brains at any give age, lacking in any discernable personal, social or political morality are condemned thereby to be pragmatic.

    A lack of spirit and social cohesiveness, citizens of the evil trinity that is the media, government and business can do little else but think of matters practical and endure life to survive and struggle against the prevailing contradictory forces than have time to expend upon philosophy.

    Power corrupts and absolute power over the nations has indeed corrupted absolutely.

  5. I don't think so because most Americans are too far removed from the basics of mere survival as a human being. Any citizens of a country with a high standard of living would tend to be less pragmatic because they have the luxury to be more idealistic.

  6. No...everyone here thinks very differently. Some do and some don't. These Americans! HA!

  7. I find Americans too Pragmatic to be trustworthy!  Self-centred,  practical people,  all brains no heart,  friendly only if you make them feel great.  Its them them them all the way,  'You' don't count at all.  

    Now if this is in their nature,  culture or self-defence,  I'm not sure.  But they definitely are turning into paranoids...well,  not all.

    Edit:  Pocket P here is soooo clear-headed!!!

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