
Do Americans Really Believe Their Democratic Ideals?

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I asked a Q about why do ppl. care if Obama is Muslim or not, there were many Christians that did bad things, yada yada yada

People responded saying Muslims are evil and they are extremist. Some ppl said that we should bomb them etc...

Our government is trying to promote peace throughout the world, but it seems like a lot of people (even ones in my university) don't have respect for our freedom of religion etc. ideals.

I think its kind of messed up- maybe I learned to be this way b/c I was in the military even if it was only 5 years.

We were taught that were Americans and we set the standards. That the world looks to us as kids look at their parents.

Do any of you think that the Americans that scream things like homosexuals are f**s, muslims are terrorist, etc. need a lesson in American history....or maybe send them to 3rd world countries to see what other parts of the world are like?

........I might need to prepare myself for some hateful answers




  1. Ummmm,homosexuals are f**s.At least it is,concidered derogatory by some,an alternative word for homos.

    And it is a fact that while all muslims are not terrorists,the VAST majority of terrorists are MUSLIMS.

    And we're not a democracy.We are a REPUBLIC!!!!!

    But I can see no harm whatsoever in every American having a good working knowledge of,not just American history,but world history as well.

    And I think America's borders.language ,and culture should be protected at all cost.

    Multi-culturalism is anti-Americanism.

    Nationalism over one worldism.LONG LIVE AMERICA,,,,,,ONE NATION UNDER GOD!!!!!!!!

  2. the Americans build the U.S.A. government, the government of U.S.A. is not totally belong to the Americans. the Americans love U.S.A. country, the country is not totally care to the Americans. Democratic ideals is just a scene of movies, Democracy, demo, only just a show.

  3. I have all along claimed that religion should NOT matter the voting booth.  When electing a leader, we are looking for someone that can lead and we should be looking at their stand on the issues - not which place they go for worship and what religious book they read from.

    But you are looking at some of the "cream of the crop" at this time of night on a Friday - so I wouldn't really hold their views in high regards.  Their views are usually based of the amount of alcohol they consumed or the amount of antipsychotics they are prescribed.

  4. Ahh...-for the most part, probably NOT. :(  For MOST People; the 2 by 4 "Realities" of everyday life (what's in their Wallets, Refridgerators, & on TV that night)- is about as "Idealistic" as their gonna GET about things in this Country... And when any ONE of those things take a "hit"-it's only THEN that people start "Caring" about what's going on in the Larger World... Peoples "Standards" shift & Change according to their Finances, Neighborhoods, and Self-Interests... And when they Complain about all the things that are WRONG with the World; what they're REALLY "saying" is that THEY have "Issues", & they expect someone ELSE- to do something about them... ...And THAT's where Politics comes in... :(    

  5. I don't think waging war is a way to promote peace.  

    For too long, we have touted our superiority, and taken for granted that we had the world's admiration and respect.

    The problem is, we didn't bother to find anything to respect or admire in return.  The arrogance and blindness has devalued our reputation, and sullied our image around the world.

    As long as there is hate for anybody different, we will be increasingly isolated in an increasingly hostile world.

    It would be great if we could wise up and show a more mature and reasonable attitude, and maybe they will learn to admire and trust us once again.

  6. We (Americans) are a country of hypocrites, we believe in oil, money, shopping and war to support our beliefs in oil, money and shopping. Oh, we believe in adopting babies from Africa, China and other third world countries, while American babies go to group homes where they are abused and treated as if they are responsible for their misfortunes.  

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