
Do Americans exercise on a daily basis?

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or just watch tv like couch potatoes?




  1. My husband and I exercise every day.  And yes, we feel like a minority as well.

  2. i exercise everyday, but i can't speak for the rest of the country.  

  3. I know exactly what you mean.  I take care of my body and work-out when I get the chance.  I work-out at least twice a week.  I'm working my body for abs, and I have nice toned arms.  My father and my brother don't really care about fitness; so I'm in better shape then they are.  I'm not a couch potato, but I like to watch tv when I work-out in my room.  

    I am a full-time college student and work in retail part-time, so it's hard to squeaze in time to work-out.  I'd deffinetly prefer to be a dude with abs then a f****s.  My body is too good to be seen overweight.

    It's ironic that theres alot of people who are too lazy to work-out.

  4. Some do. Others do not.


  5. Are you kidding me? America is one of the fattest countries in the world. I live right here in NYC and all I see is jelly bellies. If you mean are people active, exercising their jaw muscles, with a hardcore intense stuff your face with fast food? Then yes Americans are getting plenty of exercise.

  6. Haha!

    I'm not sure if they've ever done a survey on this, but I do think that it's likely more Americans watch TV on a daily basis than get the surgeon general's recommended exercise.

    I do exercise on a daily basis though, and spend a lot of time outside.

  7. We exercise when we feel like it most people are to spoiled by daily life like TV , Internet and other stuff to take are interest off exercising ..USA have it so good once you visit there's no going back best country in the world.Fast Food Nation .

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