
Do Americans have the right to examine Palin fitness and integrity for the jop of Vice President?

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Do Americans have the right to examine Palin fitness and integrity for the jop of Vice President?




  1. Sure. Why not? They want our vote, right?

  2. Yes.  I just hope they also spend the time to figure out what exactly Obama has done besides support infanticide.

  3. You bet...politicians are public figures and they are to be held accountable to Americans...

  4. No.  She has been chosen and the party faithful are obligated to follow the party line and accept her.

    Democrats have no right to question the choice of the Republicans since they won't vote for the republican candidate.

  5. Sure but leave the family alone.

  6. Yes, if something happens to McCain she would be POTUS.  

  7. Yeah, regardless what Republican say about it.

  8. She's gonna be a role model but it doesn't matter about her daughter because she's not the only teenager to get pregnent. I'm just glad to see a parent stand by her daughter.

  9. sure....that doesn't mean we have to pass judgmenton her because of what her wild daughter did.  How many good parents have been shocked at what their kids have been doing?  How many responsible adults can say they were wild and engaged in "partying" when we were young?

    I'm not saying it is right.  But I don't think it should cost her or McCain the election.  

  10. They have every right. The fitness of a Vice President is the same as the office of President.

  11. Of course we do. It would be irresponsible to do otherwise.

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