
Do Americans like Australians?

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I'm going to America.

And I'm just wondering if they like Aussies?






  1. They love Australians! Why wouldn't they?

  2. You will have NO problem having a great time in America.  If you're going to any place urban there is already such a large amount of racial, ethnic, and cultural diversity that you definitely will not be the odd one out.  We love and have a lot of respect for Australians.  Depending where you're going, just don't be tooo trusting of people.  Like people in any country, most are awesome, but few will try to exploit your lack of intrinsic knowledge of the area to their advantage.  Also, if you are going some place coastal keep an eye out for the sea jellies since they apparently are showing up in record numbers this year.  

    I wish you would have mentioned where you were going.  Have a great trip!!!

  3. Who CARES! Honestly the thing that s***s me about Australians is the fact that we are too preoccupied in what everybody else thinks of us! Stand your grand- you are what you are.

  4. How could we not, you're like us with an accent

  5. Ga'Day, Mate!  We Americans love you folks from Oz.

  6. ah ha. no. ah haha ah ha.

  7. Sure You're welcome.! tell me when you landing

  8. You bet we do!!  Have fun while you are here.  I hope your experiences are all good.  If you come to our house we will put some steaks on the "barby".

  9. Well, there is a local area singer-songwriter who is Australian-born, and he is considered the best local around when he used to live in my area. He is well-loved, and he makes known about having been born in Australia. So, hopefully, that will give you reassurance...

  10. Americans love Aussies. I went to Australia last month and loved it there (i'm from the US). So I hope when you come here you love it! Australian accents are the best, and all your different word are so awesome!

  11. I personally am obsessed with Aussies! As soon as I hear the accent I go crazy! I bet most Americans agree with me, that Aussies are fascinating! My favorite man on the planet just so happens to be Keith Urban:). Enjoy your trip to America...

  12. Prepared to have every girl flock to you. Not only do Americans like Aussies, we LOVE LOVE LOVE accents! American's aren't picky we love things that are different, and we like making out of towners feel at home. You have nothing to be afraid of- we're nice!

  13. Yes,especially the women.

  14. Yeah you'll be fine we went last year and had a blast which part are you off to

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