
Do Americans not know that black folks in South Africa sued US corporations who supported the Apartheid?

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I just want to make sure the US media is not censoring our own news. I heard about this on Canadian CBC Radio and never heard of it on CNN or ABC or NBC or CBS or even NPR!

Why don't we know what's going on?




  1. as far as I know, whites are the minority in south africa. are they the ones you are defending? if so then you are actually in favor of apartheid

  2. So what.

    Do you know that US corporations helped oppress and uphold unethical atrocities in South Africa?

  3. we all know south africa is racist against whites and will blame all their troubles on the white man. no surprise. they can't take care of themselves and need a way for the whites to do it for them.

  4. The news is no longer news it opinion pieces

    and all that is perceived wrong is filtered out....

    no need to get defensive some people do not read all of the information you provide I did

    they will not report stories that make the US look bad.....

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