
Do Americans really know whats happening?

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That their economy is going to completely collapse, I mean who really believes media anymore. All world news is warning of this, and Americans are still fast asleep. To all that are uninformed on this is in for a rude awakening.




  1. Americans, and I am one of them, are ingnorant of what's going on around them. We like to say that we adapt to changing times, not realizing that the times change dramatically because of our ignorance. We live for today. If today is okay, then tomorrow will good, too. We have deluded ourselves into believing that our elected officials have our best interest at heart and will do the right thing in the end.

    We have had it so easy for so long that we are blind to any other possible scenario of life. I am not young and not in the best of health so I probably won't be around to see it, but drastic change will come and it won't be good. And, as you said, we are fast asleep.

  2. Um we know about it. It's on the news all the time, same with rising gas prices, and crazy people in other other countries blowing themselves up. We also are painfully aware that you think we're all stupid, fat, and ignorant of what else is going on in the world. Well whatever. I don't know what you expect us to do, panic and kiss up to all the other countries? Uh.... not happening. Maybe other countries don't realize how much they're economy depends on ours. We're not an economic bubble. If our economy really does crash, all the other countries would be affected too.

    Edit: I really don't like people in other countries lumping all Americans in one group. Our country is very diverse and not all our news is biased like Fox (Faux) News. And we definitely don't follow our president blindly. Most of us are sick and tired of him.

  3. No

  4. Most have nada clue. Sucked in by the media machine. Think everything is rosy. Rude awakening is coming very soon.

    Its too late to wake up the deniers bro. The elite global freaks have many things going on. Peeps like U and me who spread the word cant stay on top of it all. Moving too fast on too many fronts.

    Best we can do for the deniers is teach them how media is now a weapon of class warfare. Here is an excellent film on that. T'will knock your sox off!

    If they understand the media maybe theres a chance they will wake up on their own. We gotsta get the population off the psychiatric meds. Peeps have been brainwashed to think those meds are good. They impair critical thinking and suppress the part of the brain that causes people to question authority. Same thing with the fluoride. No wonder Hitler was so keen on the fluoride and the psychiatric meds.

  5. i have been researching this topic for many months now.  Rude awakening, you are right my friend. this goes way beyond the media.  I am sorry to say that most americans are in the dark as to what is really going on in America, much less the world. Maybe because most are too busy buying into all this media hype about what is going on with Hollywood stars, the latest technology must haves, the latest trends in fashion and lifestyles and the american dream, mind you, which doesnt exist. Media is controlling what you see/hear and don't see and hear. why do you think we are bombarded with all this glitz and glamour of the american dream?? because that is what it is, only a dream!!  If americans really believe that the prez, is on our side, um, they are wrong. what we should really be concerned about is who is really behind the government's leaders. Our so called leaders are merely puppets on stage. The world is controlled by a small group of society's elite, not by what we as citizens vote on or demand for our well being. what these elite want is one control of the the world. and they will do it any costs. even convincing people that war is necesary to create peace in this world when in reality, war is nothing but a money maker for this elitist group to continue their domination of the human race as we know it. People in this war, on all fronts, are just casualites of the money war. there is no peace being made here, just money. but of course most americans don't know that, they are too busy following the "american dream." I don' support this war in Iraq or any place for that matter. Too many people believe that the US is one of the super powers, lol. that's a laugh. The US gets involved in wars, not to defend our country but to make itself look good. People might not know this but the US govenerment, specifially, those few elite, were the ones who have been creating these wars in other countries for as long as you can remember down through history. But it doesnt seem like it does it? It seems more like America to the rescue but have you noticed how many other countries hate america??!  of course they hate us!! America is always bombing their countries, why do you think they are fighting back now? they are tired of america's bullying...this is just the tip of the iceberg. but yeah, american in general need to wake up to reality. the economy is just one small sign or our collapse of the human race as we know it.

    Do the reasearch, and find out for yourself. dont let the govt or media tell you that everything is ok. cause its not!! wake up!

  6. I know and I was the first to post on here that the bail out for Fannie mai will cause this in september when the Congress pays the property taxes for 42% of the property in the US. Good luck idiots.

    Ha there are people telling you to shut up.  I hope those are the first to go.

  7. as an american i am preparing to jump ship,this nation is sinking and we seem to care less,Americans are chickens with their head cut off and are running on borrowed time,as for myself and my family,we are planing for the real future and i am sad to say i most likely will not die on this soil,the proof is how the last president cheated on his rather repulsive wife and they tried to hang him,this president has almost destroyed this once great nation while its citizens stand around doing nothing but wishing goodbye land i love.........besides my daughter will be way smarter in another country anyways........take any kid in an average american school and put him up against any average non american and.......well...........

  8. I think this is the best question this week! I have read so much in the last 8 months, not listening to the media, just reading and watching the economy, so much has happened in the last 8 months, I could understand it if all this has happened in the last two years, but it hasn't. We as people all around the World need to wake up, take your money and invest in being self sufficient, make your own power on your own, buy some shoes so you can walk to work if there is work to go to and plant your gardens! I should have told you to plant your gardens in the spring but I was very leary and thought the same as every other American that things will get better!. I did some research, go back in your history books and see what caused the depression it was the weather the farms were weakened by it. Now we have allot more storms and now Iowa is devastated. Now look at our National Deficit, too much money given away and not enough taken in. Now look at the unemployment rate and housing markets, see where they are at! Now look at the markets they are down, everyone is scared to invest, and finally the automotive industry, billions lost even the fuel efficient vehicles. The economy, our economy is so much different now than what it was in the depression and so much different in the 80's! Please do some research! Look up peak oil, look up global warming! So many smarter people than I have done so much research with unlimmited resources have concluded that we are in trouble. Not just the U.S. but the World. God bless us all!

  9. Nope we aren't asleep - we are living in mindless bliss at times but think of it ...........if we weren't the US Congress won't be handing over billions of dollars to Africa or exporting our own oil or giving TRILLIONS of dollars away every year in foreign aid to every country under the sun.

    In our mindless bliss we keep the world economy thriving - so over look us for a bit - That is unless your country needs money , then just email your request to Washington DC .

    The only rude awakening on the horizon would be if the US closed its wallet  - then everyone of the planet would be screaming.

  10. according to you, believe the media about Obama

                              don't believe the media about the economy.

    When do you want us to believe the media?  


  11. Some of us are awake and aware

  12. yes don't you know that americans go to the philippines to see whats happening there so that americans are the most smartest people in the world

  13. americans love  and trust their leader so they are blind to the truth

  14. i care and aware , why this  friday im taking the bulk(which isnt much) and buying silver bars .lol id buy gold , but  gold id only get 1.5 bars><

    least silver is 16 .00 an ounce and seems would be easier to trade  then gold .here in america the mainstream talk is the economy is trouble is over exagerated (cant spell)On the internet and internationally is a different song .I dont think i can go wrong in investing in silver ..just in case .

  15. The economy has been in worse places my friend.  If unemployment tops 8 percent, then I'll be worried.  Inflation may be going up, but wages are still going up as well.  Oil is going down.  It's hard to see how this real estate crash was worse than the one in Japan in the 90s.  It's a recession.  Let it play.

    World powers rise and fall.  Grow up.

  16. I know what's happening, but I don't know how much longer we'll have the right to warn people.

  17. As an American I ,for one, am aware of this.  But certainly not many Americans are.  That's because they trust the media, and ridicule anyone else who tries to warn them.

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