
Do Americans really not care that Obama is of muslim descent?

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I'm just wondering because i know how prejudiced americans are against muslims/arabs and i'm quite suprised that this is not an issue.

Actually, it's a good sign that America is changing! I would never have thought that a person with the middle name "hussein" could ever have a serious shot at being president.




  1. Nope and I don't care that there is two Muslims that is in congress.  One was voted into a Red state.

    And if your statement was true you wouldn't be supporting McCain/Bush.  You do know they are in bed with the Muslim in the Middle east don't you.

  2. Congratulations! You've certainly 'stirred up the natives' judging by how many responses you've received.

    Hopefully his election as leader of the Democrats and hopefully the country is a sign that America is growing up.

    Whatever Obama does to prove that he is a Christian will always be derided by the core, redneck and religious right Republican base so they can be discarded as an out of touch, ever sinking minority.

    Personally, I find the interference of religion in the American political system anathema. People fighting wars in the name of 'their' god in the 21st century appalls me.

    Obama holds out real hope for the future.

    P.S. Keep asking intelligent questions; you are a breath of fresh air.

  3. If Obama actually had a platform that was "good" for this nation as a whole, then it wouldn't matter at all where he came from or what he looks like. His platform is in direct conflict with a majority of people on the planet, not just this country, and he doesn't even understand the office he is running for by his own admission. When a person can't answer a question about a well known political issue because he says it is above his paygrade, they do not qualify to be President right then and there.

    An orthodox Muslim would find it very difficult to ever be elected here because edit* orthodox *Islam and the freedoms this nation stands for are mutually exclusive.

  4. Presidents of the US have come from all sorts of backgrounds from rednecks (Carters) Dirt farmers ( Nixon), Soldiers (Grant, Eisenhower et al) undereducated underachievers (Bush Jr), womanizers and alcoholics ( Kennedy) and even wheelchair bound paraplegics (Roosevelt).

    Many presidents have skeletons in their closets , at the end of the day they are only people. All lot of them carry the scars of their personal family history over which they have no control and cannot shed.

    Where did you think the first black president was going to come from ? .....a long line of white middle class christian fundamentalists from Boston?

    The American dream is that anyone can be President ..the fact that Obama has a lot of support shows that most Americans believe in and share that same dream and attitude that the founding fathers had when they built the country.

  5. Can you really be of Muslim decent?? Is it a race?? I never heard some one being defined as Christian descent. He is not Muslim and never was. His father was black and left the family, then the mother hooked up with an Asian man that was Muslim, but Obama was always Christian. I don't understand how he could be defined as Muslim. Its another way to try to scare the voting public. Obama rhymes with Osama so Barack Obama might be a terrorist. Ridiculous.

  6. Really, you think you know how prejudiced Americans are eh?  Let me tell you something slim.....Prejudiced Americans are a very, very small minority.  The rest don't really give a **** where you’re from or your background.  By the way just for your information Obama’s mother is an American not a Muslim.

  7. OMG I just heard that we all evolved in AFRICA! I'm from African descent?! The ARABS are in Africa?The flesh it burns! I'm melting , meeeeeellllllltiiiing

  8. It doesn't mater black, white,red, yellow,Muslim, Christian.Catholic,Pro distant,there is only one God each race has a different image of what he looks like,but they all pray to the same god

    Who created everything and everybody.So it doesn't relay matter,looks like he is the man to change everything. But change nothing,just like the rest of them. After all its only a job. That you have to buy with you-re sole.The trouble with bush is he thinks he is god like most heads of

    countries,ever heard of the burning bush????well you have now!!!!

    At least when Obama gets in it wont be all about the oil   $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$  and my bombs are bigger than there is allot of money to be made from guns,bombs,etc etc ect est. and the list goes on .Wake up world the devil get's richer. The third world is dying of ignorance except the lucky

    few .25mil died of aids last year!!!sounds like genocide to me

    fewer died in the second W  War. And if I'm not mistaken wasn't that about saving the the world from mad men.. I don't think we have made

    much progress.Wake up world while we still have one.It might be the  the next bomb that blows us all to kingdom come.The world is a very

    fragile place. As what was under is now on top, the next massive

    exploshion could crack the world like an egg.2008yrs still havent got it

    sorted .....wise up

  9. I don't care, and I don't know anyone who does.

    The big issue with Obama right Mccian using some retarded (Almost literally) token woman as his running mate.

    Actually, that would be Mccain's advantage.

    Issues people have with Obama:

    He's black. Yeah, people criticize him for this as much as they criticize Mccain for being old, Palin for being Bush-in-a-bra, and Biden for being an un-shut-up-able chatterbox.

    He's too nice. People are afraid he won't be a good leader because he doesn't stand up when Mccain and Palin throw c**p at him and Biden.

    Any other little small thing the press and republicans can pull and pull until it's an entire planet by itself, such as the stage at the DNC looked a bit like a temple.

  10. Say the h**l what?  Muslim is a religion not a race, sweetie. Obama's father was Kenyan.  To answer your question no. I am not a racist. My family is all mixed up.  I have two white and biracial nieces. >><<

  11. Whatever race or religion a person is should never be a means to judge them. But I honestly have a general dislike for people that burn the American flag and shout "death to all Americans" and send their minions to my home to steal airplanes and crash them into buildings with the intentions of causing as much death and destruction as possible. Then cap it off by dancing in joy when they find out that thousands of American civilians were killed!

  12. Muslim descent? Perhaps you should define that, since Obama was raised by his mother's side of the family, who were all Christians. Or perhaps you feel that a person should be held answerable for his or her ancestors; something that even our Constitution prohibits. You HAVE read that document, haven't you?

  13. every one around the world is worried about a muslim connection within a power full country like America. where ever Islam exists in the world there is hate fuelled conflict or outright war. Islam is an ugly socially cancerous culture that has no place among civilised nations. the modern world will come to deeply regret courting Islam.

  14. I don't care what his descent is.  I only care that he's an American.

    I don't know if I'll vote for him, but I have a great respect for him.

    If I don't vote for him it will have nothing to do with his race or heritage.

  15. RACE is the big issue. I don't believe being MUSLIM is as BIG of a deal as RACE is. Larry King just quoted a survey that says many whites are NOW admitting that they will NOT vote for a BLACK. We all knew that on some level; the whites that support Obama are typically more educated and they have rubbed shoulders with educated folks of all races. RACE IS THE BIG ISSUE but it's not PC to discuss. You hear a few folks mention it on the TV, but its the elephant in the room.

    Look at this page - a Replican organization. They have a very 'racially' motivated photo of Obama. He's got a cigarette hanging out his mouth; looking like a thug. The photo is to tap into white fear and thoughts about black men as thugs, thieves, low-lifes. It's sad to see a Harvard Grad treated like that. He's educated, but they portray as a common thief...but this is what sells. It drums up fear

    2nd proof - on that page above - there is a BLACK photo of Obama looking like Jesus. This is meant to stir of white hate of a black Jesus. By portraying Obama as Jesus taps into the fear that Jesus just may not be white as he's portrayed in most books. He never said he was Jesus, but the Repubs know this type of Carl Rove fear-mongering works! By angering whites, especially the deeply religious ones; this is sacrilegious - a black Jesus! So you turn Barack into a black bafoon; an idiot; you can't take a black Jesus serious right?  

    Black Jesus - Obama:

  16. His descent is not who he is, America is a melting pot and he has just as much running right as McCain does according to the standards to even consider running. Thanks for stereotyping Americans as all being prejudice.  

  17. Americans won't be tricked by trivial stuff like "Hussein" and "flag pins."

    It's shows how far we've come.

  18. I'm an Obama supporter, and I know people who are Muslims and they are so nice.  Yet I still find myself thinking that I would distrust Obama if I found out he was a muslim.  Given what has happened in recent history, I can't take the chance of having a president who might actually sympathize with the terrorists because they share common beliefs.  I know terrorists aren't mainstream muslims, but there's still that chance that I don't want to take.

  19. No. This is the 21st Century, it is about time the country changed don't you think?

    By 2020, you will be in the minority and maybe then the majority won't like your name ever think of that? You wouldn't like that and neither would I.

  20. Someone needs to go back to school.  This country was born with the  concept of freedom of religion.  It wasn't freedom of ONE religion as long as we approve of that religion you want to practice.  

    I can't believe how many of you people are so illiterate when it comes to our country.  You do not have an understanding of our history or how the government works.  You are biggots when it comes to having any compassion.   This is so typical of Republicans so called Conservatives.  You think you are the only ones who have Patriotism.  You think Republicans are the ONLY ones who are fighting the wars in Iraq and Afganistan.  

    I am really getting sick of you people making stupid demeaning statements.  Its time you use your brain and start thinking about what you are saying.  

  21. Good question No i don't think it matters,  unless your a prejudiced b*****d and i agree with you it is a good sign that america is change and we are becoming a more open minded society i think it is fantastic, if Obama becomes Pres that mean anything is possible!!! Obama for President!!  

  22. i care. and i think you'll see how much america cares in november. i even know a few black people who aren't going to vote for ossama even though they desperatly want a black pres.

  23. Educate yourself please.... his middle name was passed down to him.

    Full Name: Barack Hussein Obama JR. (JUNiOR) Got it? JR.

  24. yea ya know, before i was born...i demanded my father become Baptist...but he didn't hear me

    I asked to be named Jim, or Joe...i wasn't heard

    so i guess all i can say is i did try to control my parents, but sadly it didn't work

    sins of the father?....i don't subscribe thanks

  25. I know why cant we put him in an intermnent camp like we did to the Japenese in WW2  or send him to Gauntanamo for 5 years and torture him or have someone break into the Dem National offiice (NIXON) or

    have the telecoms spy on him, or etc etc etc etrc  

  26. Well i don't know for most Americans but i am just speaking for myself. Compared to our other option "Mccain" obama seems like a good person for the presidency. Besides so what if his middle name is hussein and so what if he is black as long as he get's the job done and doesn't s***w up this country anymore then it is then i am willing to give him my vote.

  27. I think that for some americans this is a problem, but thankfully most of them seem to have grown up in the last few years, and realised that someone's religion should not matter when they are running for president, just as the colour of their skin or their s*x should not matter. Finally america has realised that it is the ideas and policies that count, not the faith of someone's relatives.

  28. Most of them don't really know.

    There is nothing really wrong with that as many muslim are not the insane whacko's we know and hate. But the ones in power are the ones we know and hate. Obama has said he would talk to mr nutcase whom leads Iran. He want's to nuke Isreal. Anyone whom thinks otherwise is a cowardly jackass.

  29. The Muslims need to change, not Americans.

    Worry about YOURSELF and your country becoming more 'open-minded' and stop assuming things about all Americans.

  30. It does not matter what his name is, Muslim or not, passed down or not. What matters are his life experiences, views, him as an overall person and character. If he can do the job the best then let him do it. We should not be shallow and vindictive because of labels that we place onto each other. However, I understand that this does continue to happen no matter which laws we put in place to stop it or how we teach the young to be more accepting of our differences.

    We should try and embrace change and as my mum says: -  

    "There is nothing permanent but change!" (Im sure she got it from somewhere and did not make it up) lol.  

  31. Obama is NOT a Muslim!

    How many times does this have to be said!

    And when has one of a persons parent's religions been held against them?  

    The sick post "Obama wants to nuke israel" should probably be removed, but it may be better to shine a light on this sick idiocy.  

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