
Do Americans really walk around with guns like we see in the movies?

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In the movies, there's always a gun in the draw, in the glove compartment in the car, next to the bed and even holstered to someone's waist. Is this how it really is in America? Here in NZ, it's illegal to carry a gun in public and illegal to even have a gun lying in a draw or something. When they aren't being used, they have to be locked up in a gun cabnet.




  1. I've never owned a gun.  It is illegal to have a gun in a car unless is it is disassembled and unloaded.  Usually it may not be in the driver's compartment.

  2. well i dont know for sure but i just heard last week the the Brits are having a problem with the number of stabbings that have gone up over there~!!!

    so, they all must be packin a knife~!!!

    but i know one thing for sure, never bring a knife to a gunfight~!!!

    ya hear that Brits~!!!

  3. Not everyone in America carries a gun.  There are some states that have stricter gun laws than others.  Law abiding citizens that have legally obtained gun permits can carry firearms on their persons, if they live in a state that permits this.  I hope this helps.  

    P.S. It sounds like your government needs a serious wake up call.  You might suggest that they turn on the news every once in awhile.  Good luck.

  4. live in Texas. when i first got to this state, i was rather amazed at the gun racks in the rear window of the old truck. rifles were mounted on the racks.  hunting is still a popular sport in Texas--deer, dove, etc. so i found rifles in gun racks more peculiar than alarming.  only law enforcement were allowed to carry a side arm about on the streets. it does seem to me that more adults own pistols they keep in a bedside drawer in Texas. at that time it was illegal to carry a gun across county lines or to carry a concealed gun and i can tell you i never saw anyone roaming the streets wearing a six shooter. few years back Texas did pass a law allowing citizens to carry a concealed weapon. i think one has to register or get certified or something to be able to carry a concealed weapon.  wouldn't be able to say for sure of course, but I've seen no evidence that there are tons of Texans running around the streets carrying guns, concealed or otherwise.  a gun holster does disrupt the lines of one's Armani jacket, you know.  even cowboys like to look spiffy.  in NZ, do you ever have little scandals showing a cop or group of cops roughing up a suspect unnecessarily?  I'm thinking a gun is not essential to a bully temperament.

  5. Some people do.  In this state you can get a permit to carry a concealed weapon, and others carry them in their cars.  

    Guy I used to work with came in one night last year and said he'd pulled his .45 on somebody.  Apparently they walked up on his car while he was in line at the fast food place.

    I don't try to second guess what people decide they have to do.  If they ask, I just tell them to be careful.

    The cops shoot lots of innocent people by accident, and they're just ordinary people after all, with a lot of training.

    So it stands to reason if you've got ordinary people *without* so much training, walking around with guns?  You ought to be careful.

    If it seems odd that people around here are sometimes a bit slow to get involved with public scenes of havoc, you might want to consider the possibility that they'd rather not take a chance on getting shot by some moron.

  6. No.

    But Americans get addicted to violence without their consent or knowledge.

    Death means nothing but statistics to most Americans no matter their relgious believes.

  7. Don't be a frady cat.  Some people do in certain states you are allowed to but no you cannot walk into certain areas such as schools or banks with a gun or a stadium.

  8. No, that's only the movies.  But, the gang and violent movies are probably on track.  It seems like all gang members and punks are carrying weapons.  They are very easy to get illegally, just like drugs.  

    That is so weird that in NZ the police can finally carry pepper spray.  No guns?  Wow.  Do the criminals have guns?  What do they use?

  9. The only time I have ever seen a gun in the US is when:

    1. we lived in the mountains and used rifles to hunt deer and elk for food

    2. I see police personnel.

    There are lots of times/ places/ states where carrying a weapon is restricted or forbidden. But then there are the bad guys - they always seem to have easy enough access.

  10. Wow, I am a Police Officer for the state of Arkansas here.  And the answer is No, not everyone carries guns around.  However, we do have the protection of our constitution to own guns in our homes.  Some law abiding citizens do have concealed carry permits which allow them to conceal a handgun on their person.  I have searched many cars and many people and have yet to find a "bad guy" carrying a gun.  I have come in contact with a few law abiding citizens who were concealing a hand gun legally with a permit.  

    I could not imagine doing this job without the protection of my pistol.  Without this weapon, anyone could overpower me.  I just read about a few police officers being overtaken in England because they had no weapons to defend themselves.  If I am to protect the citizens, I have to have the means to do it.  By the way, I carry Pepper Spray, TASER, Baton and Pistol.  Think that's enough?!  I am given rules on what to use and when.

  11. No.  What movies are you watching?  Most movies don't involve guns.

  12. Nope.  My family owns a lot of guns, but most of them are locked up.  Some people carry guns around, but in some places, it is illegal.  I see no problem with owning guns as long as the person does not have a criminal history.  We need something for defense.

  13. yes, we have gun fights in the streets at high noon everyday.

    It is our way of population control.

    Since modern medicine is keeping people from dying a normal death we have to shoot each other to keep down over crowding.

  14. Its true that a lot of Americans have,carry fire arms.We have that right with the second amendment. There's a lot of people here that would like to see laws like you have in NZ.but its always brought to their attention of how the crime rate in NZ has steadily risen since they took firearm ownership from everyone but the criminals!!

  15. You're Darn Tootin,

    we looove shootin!!!


  16. Turhtfully, most people don't.  But there are some people who always have a gun on them.  Most law enforcement officers always have a gun on them.  In Texas, most people have guns because, wel...that's texas.

  17. A lot of what you see in the movies is just that, in the movies and not reality. But as I'm sure you're more than aware that we in the United States have a Consitutional right to own firearms.

    Some people can with a permit, carry a concealed firearm on their person. Some states in the U.S. allow for people to carry a loaded weapon in a vehicle. Some states allow for people to openly carry a weapon in a holster that is visible. The difference is, every state is different. It's not consistant all over the US.

  18. Not all......I do and am required to .  Then again I am a police officer....

  19. no I'm American never owned a gun. Hope that helps!

  20. In the Ghetto for sure.

    In Texas it is common to have a gunrack in a truck or some such too. For hunting usually.

  21. As you can tell there is a difference of opinion here.  Truth is it varies from state to state; some states are more lenient in allowing law abiding citizens the right to carry concealed, while other states are extremely strict.  In spite of these regulations a lot people, and some thugs, do carry concealed.  The fact is America does have a large number of guns in the public sector -- estimates say about 200 million or more -- so the chances are good that someone around you is packing.  Thankfully, most people who carry a gun do so for their own protection, and statistics show that even though we have a lot of guns in our midst, very few are ever used for crimes.  Thanks to a little skirmish with the British about 230 years ago, our Constitution allows for the legal ownership of guns, and for better or worse guns have always been part of our culture.

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