
Do Americans want to continue using oil?

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I live in Miami and I wouldn't want to risk the coast line. There is going to be a spill eventually... then what?




  1. Here is a news flash. The oil we didn't go after? The Chinese are going to drill where Cuban and US waters over lap.

    Do you think they are going to be careful not to polute Florida? As careful as US companies would be?


    The fact is that since the big spill in 1967 off California, things are much safer. In fact drilling spill is about 1/8 what is spilled from pleasure boats where there is drilling.

    In Santa Barbara, there is actually an oil deposit which is leaking naturally into the ocean, at the rate of one Exxon Valdise spill every 3 years, and environmentalists are begging the government to allow drilling. The democrats block this, though it would yeild oil within a year and the drilling would drop oil prices like a rock, because we are talking billions of barrels of oil right up near the surface ready to tap. The democrats don't want the public to know that they were lying about the time it would take, and the effect of new oil sources on the price of oil, so they stop it all. They know this is the main cause of the down economy, and they want it that way, so they can point at Bush as say, Failure, and gain power.

    I feel you though. I sure as heck don't want to see a nasty oil spill, and we really need to get off oil, but we need it now, or we will never have the economy to get off oil. If the economy goes down to much, then people will stop caring about the oil problems and just go after it, because it drives our economy. If we can drill and get oil, and keep working on alternatives that is the best thing, really the only way it will ever happen. I never liked oil and since I was a kid wished there was something better to use, oil is nasty stuff, but unless we all go to living like the American Indians did (which wouldn't bother me, I would love that) we need fuel to drive our economy.

  2. Well we could go nuclear much more efficient. Really dangerous though its basically keeping a nuke in your backyard.

  3. You have a choice not to get the Drill Team... at least if they ACTUALLY count the votes there this time.

  4. Hurricane Gustav went through the heart of the Gulf oil rigs with no environmental damage.  Oil companies have too much money involved not to secure the rigs from oncoming storms.

  5. A better world will result when we can develop alternatives to fossil fuels,

  6. What T Boone Pickens is pushing as a solution in his television ads is probably the best solution.  Until we could alternatives developed and available on the market we are going to have to rely on oil.  We have to find some way to keep the price of gasoline in reason otherwise it will have a disastrous impact on economy.

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