
Do Any Other Continents Have Something Similar To The European Union?

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Do Any Other Continents Have Something Similar To The European Union?




  1. For those who post the U S is similar to the E U you have never lived over the pond! The E U are like high school girls who all envy and hate the most popular girl in school but would do anything to be with her They pretend to like each other but they really band together just to keep from being completely over shadowed by her Has not worked Why do you think they are so upset about Iraq, human compassion? it's no one listen to them

    A good example are the Brits do you really think they want to take orders from the Germans ? Who runs the E U Hint they like to eat cheese ,did not want the U K to be part of their click Rest my case

  2. The North American Free Trade agreement has some similarities but no North American government at present.

  3. What do you think the United States of America is

  4. African league of nations

  5. im a mp grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr

  6. Ya  - there are 50 states which got together totalling 300 million people.

    They call themselves





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