
Do Any of you girls want Sarah Palin to be Vice President?

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Just wondering!




  1. No!

    she looks like she should be in a office, a classroom, or library instead

  2. Of course not!

  3. She'd do horribly!

    Not only would she take away ANY possible hope for g*y rights, but she'd take away the right to abort.

    She has 0 experience. She was Governor of a small town in alaska for 18 months, and 9 of those she was pregnant.

    She got quoted saying she didn't follow the war

    AND if McCain died in office she'd do a worse job then bush

  4. No, that'd be pretty sexist to want her to be VP because she's female..

  5. No, No, NO!

    This woman is the exact opposite of what this country needs.

    She is anti abortion, anti g*y marriage, lacking in experience, against sexual education, and a republican...

    We need a leader. Not a narrow minded hypocrite.

    Vote Obama!

    I like the answers above me too! You go girls!

  6. NO WAY!!

  7. NO! shes had zero experience ..some of her ideologies are regressive and impractical

    shes pro guns,seems oblivious to the issue of global warming and not a huge supporter of womens rights..these are just some of the things i could think of at this moment.

  8. NO! Everything I'm for, she's against, and everything I'm against, she's for. I'm for equality, making the country a safer & more equal place for all, respecting the environment and diversity and freedom to love and marry whomever you wish. Sarah Palin does not support these things.

  9. absloutly not! Sarah Palin is taking away basic rights from her own kind...women...and having a mentally challanged kid (i think he's severly autistic) shouldn't she want benefits for that? and a pregnant teen daughter...she should stand by her no matter what.

    i don't like where she stands...with her sitchuation she needs to be more flexible and open minded.

  10. She just seems like she has her hands too full, with a mentally challenged kid, and a knocked up, underage teenager.  

  11. Not in particular. She doesn't seem like a good Vice President. Also the fact that she preaches abstinence and her 17 year old daughter is pregnant... It's just weird.

  12. No. >.<

    She's hypocritical.

    As is McCain for choosing her as VP.

    He ragged on Obama for lack of experience, and turns around to hire a PTA mom. Wtf!

  13. no, not at all. she's a dirty little capitalist, and not only that, she's against abortion.

  14. Never...  That lady is a psycho.  

  15. No I think she has enough on her plate with 5 children, with one being and infant and another being a special needs child not to mention her teenage pregnant daughter.  I think its selfish of her to sacrifice her time with her children to be a VP.

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