
Do Apples make your gums itchy?

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My gums get really sore and itchy when i eat apples. It doesnt happen with any other fruit, just apples and i can barely eat them anymore! :( does anyone else gets this?




  1. your allergic

    try apple pie or apple sauce I bet when cooked your OK

    be careful with raw fruits,, you might go into shock some day

  2. It sounds like you're allergic. You can go to your doctor to make sure that's the issue.  

  3. No

  4. It doesn't happen to me.

  5. no but you need to see the dentist

  6. You are obviously allergic to apples.  Just don't eat them.

  7. It's probably an allergy to the wax on the skin: try peeling them or buying organic unwaxed apples.  But I like the soaking in Goldschlager idea best too!

  8. You should try soaking the apples in Goldschlager first.  I don't know if it will help, but at least you can get a buzz from it.

  9. nah.. but i get stomach aches if theyre cold.. lol

  10. well when i eat Bananas sometimes the back of my throat gets itchy and so does my tongue. same thing happens with apples sometimes too. maybe go see a doctor, could be an allergic reaction or something...

  11. I do!  with every fruit!

  12. They have never made mine itchy

  13. lol! I've never had itchy gums from eating apples.

    What about if you drink cider or apple juice?

  14. you are allergic to them! Try pealing them it may be the fertilisers on the peel!

    You may be okay with cooked ones!

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