
Do Army Rangers go thru military freefall school?

by  |  earlier

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  1. do they have to go to halo school,   from the conversation i had with a recruiter,   he said no, that is not required, that many of them do ,   they apply to go to the school,   because being a ranger involves many different schools,   after ranger school,  they go on to sniper school,  to halo school,   just many differnt options are available,  

    so many rangers decide on different schools to add to their knowledge, but the halo school is not * required*   it is even open to all services,  

    hope that helps,  there is a nice documentary on Halo,   if you look for it on public TV  or the military chanel, it is very good .

    good luck ;)

  2. No, you are probably referring to special ops. However, you might conduct several airborne ops while in ranger school.

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