
Do Asian people really do this?

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DO NOT GIVE ME "SOME DO SOME DON'T". I want to know if it is true in Asian culture. Do Asian people spoil their kids and then make them get a family and everything? That is interesting to me because although I hear it a lot.




  1. HA HA HA..... h**l NO!!!! >:3

    We are pressured by our families to excel in our education and then get married to the same Asian ethnicity... if not, then Asian.

    Silly goose... X9

  2. asians spoil their kids but dont know about the other thing

    i know plenty of asian kids that are like, 10-12, and they are fully kitted out (iPod, top of the line cell phone etc).

  3. Some do some don't

    It's not what you want to hear but its the truth. It really depends on a lot of variables like their nationality(ex. Chinese, Korean, Vietnamese etc.), if they were born in the U.S., their level of income, their upbringing. There is no ethnic group that is all one thing.

  4. I am not sure how some families are, but my family and relatives and the Asians I go to school with [Basically Hmong people in my area] are kind of like that.

    This is how it goes too be honest from what I have heard. The OLDEST SON AND DAUGHTER get spoiled most.

    My oldest brother got like a Limited Seqoiya thing or w/e lol and my oldest sister got a Highlander for her FIRST CAR. I am the middle child, but I hope I am lucky enough to get a fricken Camry or Corrolla >_<

    My mom used to tell me that she would get me a "Flintstones car" if I had bad grades and stuff, lol well anyways.

    The Asian area where I am at is sort of like that. NOT the whole family is spoiled. The YOUNGEST get spoiled too.

    This girl also told me that her brother and sister get spoiled like that too lol, that is why. = \

  5. lol... wth? no never. not my family at least.  most asian family values education and hard work. my family taught me that if i want something, i should earn it.

  6. I've never heard that in my life.

  7. doesnt make much sense, where did you hear that from?

  8. wtf.. ive never heard of that.  

  9. I'm sorry but I have to say this...SOME DO SOME DON'T.

    I have a big Asian family, and I've seen some spoiled ones and some not. Well, the naturalized Asian Americans will definitely not spoil their kids. They have this mentality of "I come to America and work so hard, you kids better respect me and follow my rules." As for some of those that were born here, they are more likely to spoil their kids.

    As for the family thing, parents don't rush it. Of course if you're having trouble getting a wife or husband by 30+ years old, the parents might try to help you.

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