
Do Aussie women find a Canadian accent hot?

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Just in response to a question I saw on here, I'm flipping it around.

Not that you can probably tell between us and Americans very well... but I'm just curious cuz I love Australian women and I'm going to Queensland soon enough




  1. I think some people who have answered this only speak for themselves, not everyone loves their accents. I dont like American accents, and I cant comment on Canadian ones because I've never met a Canadian person in person.

  2. Oh yeah, it's pretty hot.. you'll get a lot of good attention... and you'll love Queensland! You're right, it is hard to distinguish the US and Canadian accent apart, but I think you can if you listen very hard, the Canadian accent is a lot softer.. Good luck - have a ball!

  3. well i married me one of them d**n s**y Canadians and yes i love his accent, it is a very mild accent not like Americans at all

    so now I'm a canaussie

    enjoy your trip down under! wish i was going too

  4. Australian women love American accents and they REALLY love Canadian accents. Canadians say some particular words differently with 'out' and 'about' being the best examples. Canadians seem to say them as (sort of) oat and aboat. Your accent is softer and much more pleasant than the American one without any of their extreme regional versions.

    You'll have a marvellous time in Queensland and I bet the girls will be very sorry to see you go.

  5. I can tell an Yank from a Kanuk any day! I just lerrrrrrrrv a Canadian accent! Women will be drooling all over you!

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