
Do Aussies only hzve other aussies or kiwis for mates?

by  |  earlier

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are they up themselves




  1. of course we have kiwi mates too, i was on the pi$$ with mate, who we call sheepy, of course on the weekend, we like them, there accent gets a bit on your nerves but i guess ours does too, we treat all people the same untill they do harm to us, then they can rack off back to where they came from.

  2. We have mates from all over, we'll even be seen in public with the English provided they're not up themselves

  3. No, I don't think they have.

  4. quite possibly the least up themselves group after Canadian Chicks

  5. No sir! We make friends with anyone we work or play sports with, our neighbours. We have all nationalities visit our home, Polish, Irish, Indian,Lebanese, Scots, English.

  6. I think you are!

  7. I have both kiwi and aussie mates mate..

  8. no they are not up themselves.. and no we have many different ppl as mates... why ask such a stupid question?

  9. Yea Kiwis r great 2 drink with, they crack me up

  10. ?

  11. Some are really into Sheep, Baaaaaaaa lol

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