
Do Australian Aborigines Have Three Sets of Teeth?

by  |  earlier

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I have heard that they loose each tooth twice, before they get their permanent teeth; unlike a set of baby teeth then a set of adult ones for other races.




  1. Only on thier necklaces do they have 3 sets of teeth, DRAGONS teeth I expect..

  2. sure and for the same reason that you grow another leg if your first one falls off

  3. Yes some of them do - Depends whether they are on the McDonald's diet or a natural diet.  If on the McDonald's diet then:

    1.   Baby Teeth

    2.   Adult Teeth

    3.   False Teeth

    Also, don't know where you got that information in the first place.

  4. erghhh wtf noooo

  5. Hey Wanker, why is it you always spell your name wrongly ?

  6. The only documented incident of a tribe having even Double Dentition (Two rows of teeth), is a mutation which shows up among certain indigenous indians of Ecuador...

  7. to <Eternal>: that is interesting do you have any references?

  8. Where on earth did you hear that??? In a 1920's history book where they talk about the "natives" being "animals"?? Australian Aborigines have the same anatomy as every single person on this planet so next time think before you ask stupid questions.

  9. Why should they be different? They are humans, after all.

    Just spotted your user name. Now, what does that remind me of if you say it fast??

  10. Pathetic what people believe. The are HUMAN. Homo sapiens sapiens, so have the same number of teeth as you.

  11. i think you will find that they are no different to you and I in having just the 'milk teeth' and then a permanent set.

  12. No, they don't.  

  13. Yes, because they are decended from sharks.

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