
Do Australian schools get out for summer? When?

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Do you guys get out for December, January and February or something? Or do you get out when we get out (June, July, August), in the cold?

Or do we even call the seasons the same thing? Is it based on temperature, in which case December would be a summer month I suppose, or on...precedent maybe, where you call it winter anyway, and winter is just when it's warm?

Woah, this is a really stupid question. But I honestly don't know.




  1. Yes we do have summer holidays in our summer. We also have two weeks in autumn  2 weeks in winter and two weeks in spring.

    We also are advanced enough to actually have names for those seasons The one where it is hot is summer, the one that follows is Autumn, after that we have a season where it gets cold and it is called winter which is then followed by surprise surprise spring. Each of which last 3 months beginning with December which is summer.

  2. For us, school finishes for the Summer holidays about the 20th (roughly) of December and starts about 6 weeks later at the end of January.

    We also have two weeks holidays around easter, another two weeks in June/July and another two weeks in September.

    The seasons are based on temperature, so our Summer is still hot and our Winter is still cold, we just have them at the opposite times to you.

  3. You mean like school holidays?

    It varies a bit from state to state. I'm from New South Wales so I'll tell you this from my experience:

    Yes, we do get a "summer" holiday, which is around a week before Christmas when it starts. This holiday goes for 6 weeks. So technically, we do not have school every January except on the 31st in most schools.

    We have 4 Terms in the year. Holidays after Terms 1 - 3 go for 2 weeks. Each Term goes for 9 - 11 weeks.

  4. Yes, Australian schools do get summer break.  It starts approx. 18th December and goes through until end of January.  This is our summer

  5. It's not a stupid question at all.   Generally the kids get out December/January.  They have short 1-2 week breaks throughout the year April, June/July, etc.

    And yes December/January is particularly hot in Queensland so it's a good idea that the kids get out and are not sweltering in their classrooms!

  6. I am from Queensland. Our holidays vary slightly between states and even between public and private schools within states. The older students (late high school) also manage to get a week or two extra holidays in late Nov and early Dec for the summer.

    Generally in Queensland we have one week around Easter (in Autumn), 2 weeks in June/July (Winter), 2 weeks in September (Spring) and 6 weeks in Dec/Jan for our summer break. Queensland summer holidays usually start early to mid Dec and we usually squeeze one week of school in at the end of January. The actual dates change yearly.

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