
Do Australians have bad teeth the way British do?

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Do Australians have bad teeth the way British do?




  1. Teeth as bad as their attitudes.

  2. Clearly a lot of people using this website are more concerned with how people look than thinking about how people really come to have bad teeth! Dental care in Australia is not covered by the public health system and it is terrifically expensive. Dental health insurance is possible if you have private cover (about $150 AUD per month). The cost of a filling or extraction is very high, you can pay thousands of dollars for root canal treatment, and poor people simply can't afford this. Australian poor kids eat a lot of junk food, which doesn't help. A lot of American kids have braces to help straighten their teeth, and it is the same with better off families in Australia. HAving this done is terrifically expensive though.

    In the case of Britain, you have to look back over several generations, taking into account poverty, malnutrition and constant stress of war (check out the food rations allowed, right up until the 1950s), going to work in factories and mines at a very young age (my parents were only around 12 when they had to do this), working very long hours, coming from huge families (blame the churches for the lack of birth control), and living in appalling slum conditions. This is why many families have poor teeth. They also often have poor bone structure, scoliosis (curvature of the spine), or greenstick fractures for similar reasons. Sometimes poor teeth can be the result of massive doses of antibiotics because of serious illness at a very young age, that can affect the development of both baby teeth and adult teeth. This happened to my own son, who contracted measles and Stephen Johnson's Syndrome at around 20 months old (it could happen to you). My daughter, however, arrived at the age of 40 with perfect teeth and only recently had her first ever filling. When I was a young person, if a child or adult had a bad tooth, the remedy was simply to pull it out (they didn't bother filling them). Many people I went to school with had all their teeth out by the time they finished school. So, don't judge people for having bad teeth. The main thing is that people should be encouraged to clean them properly and visit a dentist every six months if they possibly can.  Be glad that your own are good, and that you have had access to good dental care and good dental education!

  3. "Bad teeth" has nothing to do with what part of the planet you call home.

    There are just as many Australians with crooked, broken, or poorly spaced teeth as in America, Canada, Britain, or anywhere else for that matter.

    I'm Australian -- and I have great teeth.  And both of my parents are from Britain.  Genetics, good oral hygiene, and regular trips to the dentist are the reason my choppers are in such good knick.

    People that generalise only serve to prove their lack of education.

  4. Are you serious? Australians don't have bad teeth. Nearly everyone I know has nice, straight teeth. Just about everyone had braces when they were a kid.

    And besides, not all Australians have british ancestors. The British founded this country but that was a long time ago!

  5. Yes Australian are decedent from British , so bad teeth and other bad habit

  6. my favorite accents have the worst teeth

  7. yes they do. gross

  8. lmao!

  9. Uh no, I hate when you see some british and there teeth are yellow and completely crooked, it's nasty. Thankfully australians have better dental care

  10. YESS!!! big time. i hate that

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