
Do Australians like Americans?

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How about our accents?




  1. I am American. I was in Australia 6 months ago. No one treated me any differently than I am treated in the US. Nice place.

  2. We like Americans, we just dont like America ;)

    As for the accent.....

    Most of the shows on the TV are from America so we are kind of desensitised.

  3. not too many people seem to like americans

  4. Theyr like pretty kool i spose nice people wen they r here (never been to america so dont know bout wat they act like bak home) iv only met 1 american  i didnt like and thats because he wouldent shut up about not selling guns at target here ............ like wtf lol. and i dont realy like the sound of deep southern accents but thats just my oppinion

  5. Yes most of us like Americans. The only thing I have a dislike about Americans is that they seem to think they are the only living creatures on this planet and everything must revolve around them. As for for accent!, love it.

  6. NO and NO   !

  7. Yes , Australians like Americans the only difference is Australia has a culture and is non religious or political opinionated and there are more freedoms here than there are in the US. I lost my US accent.

  8. Individuals yes, the nation as a whole no. Accents are annoying after a while and the Australian accent is so much better.

    I HATE the ignorance of America, it drives me insane. How can one nation be soo stupid.

  9. All the Americans I have met have been super nice so yes I would say from my experience Australians do like Americans. I also like your cute little accents, but detest your way of spelling.

  10. We do have a go at Americans,sometimes we think they are strange creatures.

    But do we like you,we love you guys ,because you are different to us and at the same time very similar. I know Australians will do almost anything they can to help you if you visit.Americans do travel here,but we really you do not meet that many unless you are in a real tourist area.

    So Americans in Australia can still be an interesting novelty to many Australians.

    Having said that,please visit as we would love to have you.

    was in the states last year and heading back in May as you guys are so friendly and helpful

  11. yes australians like americans but only if there  not dumb and think he ride kangroos to work and have crocodiles in our back yard lol

  12. as a country, like most of the world, we dislike America with great intensity. But as individuals, I've found American's to be much like Australians, and generally polite and kind

  13. I like the actual country (I mean the landscape and diversity)

    I hate the politics (ok I mean George Bush)

    I like some of the people

    I love the accents! (very hot!)

  14. not much

  15. of the only places in the world...........

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