
Do Austrians get offended when they are classified as Germans?

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Do Austrians get offended when they are classified as Germans?




  1. Ja!

  2. Yes, it's just like comparing Canadians to Americans. True, they share a border, have similar histories, language, etc. but yet are distinct. You will see differences in food, ethnic dress and customs, etc. Austria had separate rulers until the First World War ended the Habsburg monarchy.

    And in both countries, they are divided up into regions where you will find people taking pride of their differences from each other - ex. Bavaria in Germany, or East Tyrol in Austria.


    Petra M, Vancouver

  3. In my experiences the answer is yes!

    I lived in Austria for about six months and that was something i took notice of right away.

    That and there is a big difference between the language in Germany, and Austria. Both speak German but Austrian German is much different from regular German.

    It's mainly the older Austrians whom get upset though...

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