
Do BMW sell cars with indicators?

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I only ask because every one I see on the road never bothers to indicate, so I assume they aren't a standard part of their cars. Or, perhaps the drivers think they are the most important person on the road.




  1. BMW's of all ages appeal primarily to people who have no intention of conforming to the Road Traffic Acts.  Never did such a superb machine have such a down market image.

  2. I think this applies to all makes of car. I see so many that don't bother to indicate that I'm sure car manufacturers must have brought out an economy version. Either that or the driver thinks we are all psychic.

  3. They do have indicators.

    You may be deceived by looking for flashing orange bits, as on other cars.  They, in fact, have one of the most sophisticated indicator systems known and it works by a process known as telepathy.

    Unfortunately 99% of the population are not attuned to them. The other 1% are BMW drivers or crack pots.

  4. Illegal for newer BMWs I understand.  Also illegal for them to be more than 1 inch behind you when in the outside lane of a motorway.  It is also a legal requirement for them to pull out infront of you causing you to break suddenly and for them always to be first away at traffic lights.  Most must also have a blue tooth receiver in their ear.  Note that white van man dreams of being a BMW driver, hence he will obey the same laws.

  5. They have been deleted due to cost and are only offered as an option and yes they are all over the place and other car manufacturers are doing the same, we have them here as well, good question...........

  6. technically all vehicles have indicators.

      what you are referring to is the social rules of 'I am too important to bother'.

      it does not just apply to BMW owners. Volvo's are  prone to not indicated at roundabouts and there is almost a universal issue with car's that scientists have not  yet explained. IE at traffic lights we have tow lanes of car's. left lane indicating , right lane not.

    when the lights change to green Lo and behold, car's in the right hand lanes indicators now start to work!!

      magic or mystery?

  7. do not know why, you can pick beamers up quite cheap these days,as if they do not hold they value

    regards x kitti x

  8. Its an age thing, most BMW drivers are knocking on in age a bit, and cant manage to take their hands of the wheel.

    You will discover that most do not have manual gears either for the same reason.

    This goes back to the 80's when BMW was the car to drive and so the old folk who couldn't afford one then have saved up to their retirement to buy one.

    The more discerning motorist drives an Audi or VW even Skoda (perhaps)

  9. The cars have them it's just that the drivers exempt themselves from that part of the driving test because they have friends up in high places in the DSA.

  10. lol

    you mean those pretty yellow lights on the corners?

    i think most drivers use them for decorative reasons only!

  11. In our town you'd think there was some sort of EU directive against the use of indicators.

    My favourite indicator faux pas is mini roundabouts - those people who wait at the junction for ages while not indicating - I'm sure they're doing some sort of survey on whether other drivers have ESP

    Strangely, many of the people who fail to find the indicator stalk are quite able to switch their foglights on even in sunny weather... ;-)

  12. Unfortunately they come without sidelights, and a fog light off switch.

    I like ChocLove's comment, I do the same, tell them their front/rear side indicator is not working.

    It is becoming common practise, including the police, not to bother indicating. Mind you, it's quite difficult to do while holding a phone and having a drink of coffee from the cup holder.

  13. I think it's a standard operating requirement these days - car in gear, brain in neutral.

  14. No, I don't think that they do. Also Mercedes, don't come with them and certain Audi's and VW's

  15. I've noticed that too.

    I was cut up by one the other day who I later parked next to in Tesco. When he came back to his car I said to him, I really think you should get a refund on your new car mate, did you know you're indicators are faulty?

    I had a good old laugh about that but he failed to see the funny side

  16. it is a legal to pass a vechile through an MOT without having correct lights on it, unless it is a 50cc or under engine on a bicycle (moped) and these vechiles cannot be rode at night but people who drive BMWs are obnoxious barst**ds, any way hope to of helped you.

  17. If they are not taught how to use them then they probably don't know what they are for, lets face it you do do need a slight bit of brain to understand such complicated equipment as an indicator.

  18. I think that part of the finance deal is that they have to donate some brain cells to medical research,and the rest of the body is used in crash tests after they have caused an accident.

  19. I dont jus think its BMW's. I hate ppl that thiknk their indicators r fairy lites. I swear half this country needs to resit there driving lesson cos seriously i dont know how they could have passed their test. Most of them must have gotten a driving license from a cornflake box..... gah

  20. LMFAO - ure right, no1 uses them anymore. I see more cops not using them than anyone.........

  21. Hee hee!!

  22. I'm sure that they have to have them - However, maybe the workings are very difficult to use and that is why we rarely see them in operation (this must also be common with Mercs)

  23. the BMW driver also has to have a personality bypass opperation before being given the keys to his new car

  24. That's because the drivers are more important than us. It's the same with Volvo drivers.

  25. No as a health and safety issue it would cause a danger trying to indicate while talking on a mobile and changing radio station at the same time.

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