
Do Baby's Ruin Everything?

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In Febuary, I Will Have a Sibling ;]


-I Have Exams/SAT''s Soon

-I Wont Get a Lift to School Everyday!

-I Wont Get as Many Things as I Used To.

What Can I Do?x




  1. "I Wont Get as Many Things as I Used To"

    You sound like a typical spoiled kid who's going to get a rude awakening as to the fact that the world is not there to serve you.  If you act like a spoiled brat then your parents will probably treat you as one.  On the other hand, if you offer a hand and help out they will probably see you as becoming a responsible adult and reciprocate the respect.  This situation, as life, is only going to be what YOU make of it.

  2. Grow up!!! Walk to school - it's healthier!! Study for exams elsewhere if the baby is noisy but not all babies cry 24/7!! You will still get to do the things you've always done and can even make a bit more extra pocket money from it by babysitting!!  

  3. You should be supportive, Ask your father or a friend's parent to drive you as well as the friend. Just not to worry about transportation.

    Congrats on the new baby

  4. You can either accept your  sibling or life will be extremely hard. Of course the baby is going to have lots of attention but rebelling against it will only make your life harder.

    Edit - does benp actually know what a sibling is? It's a brother or sister, not a child!

    edit - Jade is obviously just as thick. can you read???

    Notice how the two thickos deleted their answers?

  5. Are you being serious stop being a selfshish wee brat and grow up its going to be your baby brother or sister for god sake man. Get the bus take a bike or walk to school, study at a library a freinds house and grow up with i wont get as many things as i used to that really sad you should be the one buying the baby things.

  6. of course not! shes a baby and wont ruin things.although you have to adjust because sometimes baby cries.but the baby is part of the family now.and believe me you will love this cutest creature because shes gift from above. love the baby a lot!  

  7. sounds like someone is jealous you have to stop being selfish no babies don't ruin everything you only feel that way because you wont be your parents "baby" anymore you will have to get used to it

  8. grow up and stop being a spoilt brat.

  9. you're only mentioning the things you're not getting or things that will be harder and forget to think about this wonderful sibling that you're going to get. if you've been alone up until now then you'll have someone to hang out with. babies are wonderful and he/she might even take a nap when you're holding him/her and you'll feel really chuffed. later on you can make him/her laugh and it's the best feeling in the world. i think you'll soon realise that even if you do miss out on things or things become a little more difficult, that life with a siblin is nice. you'll have each other forever and i think soon after the birth you won't want to change a thing.

    start concentrating on the good things that this will bring and just deal with the less good parts.  

  10. hey there. Look forward to your new sibling. this is one of the greatest experiences of your life. Your sibling will teach you so much and YOU can teach him or her fun things too! If will also be a learning experience you wil see how tough it is to raise a baby! its fun! if you are old enough to take your SATS you should get your license =] that way you can drive to school and not put the hassle on yoru mama! lol im sure she would love that! good luck and congrats!

  11. I'm not going to lie, babies are a lot of work, but they are the most precious beings.  Your parents will understand you need to study for your exams, you can walk or take a bus to school it's healthy for you and for the environment.  As people have said before me, you have two options, either except it and being a loving family, or you will make it very very hard upon your self.  The last thing your mum needs to worry about is a spoilt older sister, she needs all the support she can get, it's the least you can do.

  12. it will be fine, you look out for yourself and enjoy good times with the new baby!!

    Just catch the bus to school and dont worry at all, babies are cool

  13. You are sounding pretty selfish.  Babies are wonderful and the experiences are heartwarming.  You need a change of attitude!

  14. Hey there!

    When I got a baby sister last year and I thought exactly the same!

    Ye, they can be a pain at times, but.... their so much fun etc...

    I'm not gonna lie they do get in the way, but you get use to it and it doesnt seem like a big deal.

    When my exams came up my mom just kept her out of my room while I studied!

    Dont worry about it.

  15. I'm assuming Benp can't read...

    Try not to be quite so selfish-so what if you won't be getting everything you want and lifts, you'll have a new brother or sister! That's far better! My god I hope your parents haven't seen this, they'll feel terrible... Try and be happy that you're about to be a sibling rather than looking for bad points.

  16. of course not they are incredible and will make your life so much more meaningful...

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