
Do Baptists think they are better than Roman Catholics?

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Do Baptists think they are better than Roman Catholics?




  1. Err, one group will always think they are better than another group. That is human nature.  The label of that group doesn't matter.

  2. Do atheists think there better than believers?

  3. baptists think they are better than everyone.  they don't discriminate againt Catholics.

  4. they sure do.

  5. Good Baptists are humble.

  6. They call every other church a cult. It gets tiresome

  7. I am sure both Baptists and Roman Catholics will be surprised at how many of the other denomination are in heaven with them.  

    Arrogance is not monopolized by any denomination.  

  8. Some do. Some Catholics believe they are better than Baptists.

  9. What does this even mean?

  10. Each Christian denomination thinks that they are the only right ones, and therefore better then everyone else.

  11. When I was a Baptist, I sure thought I was. Plus, our pastor would keep bringing up the child molestation cases...and how we didn't have that in our church. (RIIIIGHT)

    I'm an atheist now. Thank GAWD.

  12. Better what?

  13. Baptists think they are better than everyone, not just Catholics.

  14. It's just not the Baptists.  Most religions feel they are better than the rest.  

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