
Do Bats really exit a cave by only turning Left?

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Do Bats really exit a cave by only turning Left?




  1. no.

  2. Where did you hear that?  Ha, ha, ha!  That's pretty funny.

    The answer to your question is NO.

    Sometimes bats exit their cave in one fell swoop in either direction, while others swirl in a vortex for awhile then peel off together into the night to feed on tons of insects.  That's right, tons.

    Bats form the largest groups of mammals living together on the earth.  One cave in Texas contains over 40,000,000 bats in the summer.  When they swirl out of the cave, you can actually feel the wind off their wings.  It's a wonderful sight to behold.  These are the Mexican Free-Tailed Bats, and they migrate from Mexico to the USA twice a year.  The farmers love them because they rid them of millions of insects every night.  Insects like Mosquitoes, Flys, Moths, Gnats, and many other agricultural pests.

    We could not survive without bats, believe it or not.  There would be no Tequila without bats either.  The cactus, from which the drink is made, is pollinated at night ONLY by nectar feeding bats.

    Bats are wonderful, wonderful creatures and do far more good than people know.  If people would just take the time to get to know them and learn about them, they'd see there is nothing at all to be afraid of.  They deserve our respect, our consideration, and our help, if they are going to survive and US along with them.

  3. where did you hear this one? The answer is no.

  4. I think you mean Nascar drivers, not bats.

  5. I have microbats roosting inside my house. At night they navigate at high speed through doorways, around corners and around me. They definitely have no trouble with right hand turns.

  6. no thats zoolander

  7. I can't vote at the moment so I'll say # 3 has your best interest at heart.

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