
Do Bond girls fit with the changing roles of women in society and are they a true representation of women?

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hey, i'm investigating the representation of women in James Bond films for my A2 media exam. would be much appreciated if i could get some feedback on your opinions as to whether women in James Bond films are still viewed as just s*x objects or actually portrayed as sexually independant and represent a strong willed new generation of women?

Also to what extent do you believe they are fantasy figures and not ment to be taken seriously?

thanks x




  1. None of the women in Ina Flemings books were to be taken seriously.  Historically, Bond Girls were eye candy, only incorporated into the script as damsel's in distress or cookies James could past idle time away with.

    However, with the growing women's movement, the profile of a Bond Girl has been radically altered.  They are no longer there just for Bond;s convenience, and are, in theory, active participants in the quest for truth, justice, and the American (or British) way.  

    Nevertheless, they remain fantasy figures and are not a true depiction of anything resembling reality.  How many ladies have you seen that look as gorgeous as some of these ladies?  How many like gorgeous ladies have you seen in your life, capable of doing what they have done?  So they should not b taken seriously, along with Commander Bond.

  2. I didnt know bond girls are supposed to fit the changing role of women and be a true represantation of women.

  3. It's a movie.  

    It represents studios trying to make money and pandering to the female demographic.

    Nowadays any time there is an action movie, women always appear in "kunf-fu master" roles and always have to be fighters.   You can't have a strong-willed women or one that's mentally tough.   No, the male lead always has to have the girl-fighing sidekick or nemesis.

    Action movies used to be kind of a "guy-thing."   Nowadays movie studios are trying to appease the female demographic and including all of these ridiculous 90 pound "tough girls."

    Just to be fair... If I saw spindly 90 pound men in "tough guy" roles, I'd be equally critical.  (OK, maybe not "equally" critical seeing as how a 90 pound man is still stronger than a 90 pound woman generally, but... hey.)

    It's more of a recognition by movie studios that women today think a "strong woman" is one that acts like a man.

  4. Sexually independent? Give me a break! All bond has to do is give them The Look and say Those Words and they are putty in his hands. That isn't independent. Both Bond and his females are slaves to their passions....they couldn't refuse if they wanted to.

    I view them as s*x objects because that's what they make themselves into. And at the same time, they are just fantasy figures aren't they? Bond films are hard to take seriously. LOL

  5. Ladies, Robert's Rules of Order invoked.... Permission to speak...


  6. I don't think anything in James Bond films is a true representation of anything, they are pure fantasy.  Great fun.  Except for the last film 'Casino Royale, that was terrible.

    Some of the James Bond girls have had more interesting personalities than others.  I rather liked Britt Eckland in 'The Man With the Golden Gun' because I identified with her somewhat, as she was a bit accident-prone.  The most exciting was definitely Michelle Yeoh in 'Tomorrow Never Dies', the bit where they slide down the banner on the side of the building is probably my favourite action scene in any Bond film.

  7. Only to a certain extent. The makers make sure she fits the character and description that Ian Fleming created, and also add up stuff to make that role 'interesting' to the audience and 'supportive' to Bond.

    I have watched/reviewed all the Bond movies, and still watch them for fun. However, do they portray the true representation of the common-place contemporary women? I would say no. Come on ! It would disappoint Bond fans, if Bond was 'Bond', and the women were someone like Lara Croft themselves !

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