
Do British people really like the royal family?

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Do British people really like the royal family?




  1. ew no. they have to or they are hung at the gallows.

  2. No but what would the press do without them?

  3. I like Prince Harry, he's only one out of the lot of them who acts like a normal human being.

  4. Yes OF COURSE! I am Brit based in the Far East.

    I do acknowledge they face some problems.

  5. ermmmm,ummmmmm, i think most of the younger generation dont give a monkeys nuts about them, lol and to whoever said the gallows that went out with noah, we have electricty now u cars lol.

    me i dont care, they sit and wave and get paid for it, in my home town they would be lazy b`s

  6. I don't! They do NOTHIN! haha they just sit around all day!

  7. No! the quicker we become a Republic,the better.Off with their heads!

    Maybe we should be an Anarcho-syndaclist commune....I didn't vote for a king who reigns because of some aquatic farce!!

  8. everyone knows the british royal family's bloodline stays "royal" and "pure" because of incest. they've been doing it for centuries. need i say more?

  9. I have nothing against them. But the real eternal king is Jesus Christ.

  10. yeh we love em. right load of robin murderin gits allways av bin.

  11. I hate them with a passion. I don't think they deserve what they have, and I don't agree with one family keeping the throne. I think you should be able to elect your ruler. They do encourage tourism though, so it's not all bad.

    Other countries do seem to take them for more than they're worth though, and it's almost as if people are putting them on a pedestal.

  12. it depends on what you mean by 'like'.

    The last poll done on the Monarchy suggests that the majority of people want to retain the system .. I believe that answers your question

  13. No.....The only person that I liked was Diana...

  14. yes we love them :)

  15. i kno a few...they do NOT like the family no. it gives them too many things to pay and the drama is nuts too.

  16. I don't know them personally, so cannot say whether I 'like' them individually, or not.  They do a fantastic job of representing and promoting their country.

  17. Yes we do!

  18. Royals got one hand over every brits mouth, the other hand in every brits pocket. Using the weapon of ostracization, brits cringe when asked whether they like this group of pickpockets so they shut up, and it prompts questions like this one from non-brits who can't understand how the brits let this gang get away with everything they do.

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