
Do Britons prefer to be called "British" or "English" / "Scottish"?

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If you do care, why?




  1. Scottish as I come from Scotland.

    I think I care as it's national identity and I feel Scottish differ from the English as well. Same as the Welsh and the Irish. We all have our own identity so we prefer to be called that.

  2. I think the English like being English

    the Welsh like being called Welsh

    Scots like Scottish

    And the Northern Irish like to be called British

    I think its all for historical reasons


    an we dont like 2 b called british !!!

  4. Since i'm from Enlgand I prefer to be called English. I don't like being called British, because it refers to the whole of Britain: Enlgand, Wales, Scottland, and northern Ireland, and lets face it, anyone can insult the Scottish and the welsh. They must be the most annoying people on the planet, with their bagpipes, kilts and sheep ********.

  5. Unless they are British Asians or British Muslims.

  6. English!

  7. I prefer being called English because I am English.  Sorry, that sounded rude, but really, I don't consider myself British because I'm from England, its not like my mother is welsh and my father is scottish... I don't know.  Just as long as you don't call me a 'European' I'm fine!

  8. British

  9. it doesnt make a difference for me..english or both and dont have a preference

  10. It all depends on the person, I consider myself both English and British equally.

  11. English/Scottish/Welsh

  12. I don't care really. I think of us all on the island as British but I will say England as my region.

    I live in England and I don't think of the Scottish, Welsh or even Irish as foreign as our culture is similar. We all had an empire together, but the rate we're going, the only countries left with the Union Jack will be the other side of the world such as Australia.

    My exhusband had a bit of everything such as Irish, Welsh, Scottish but he only ever called himself English as he lived there.

  13. ENGLISH.  We talk english not british.

  14. I don't mind.  I think 'officially' British is the only recognised nationality on the mainland, and that's what I tend to use. But I'm English.

    I dont lose much sleep over it  ;-)

  15. I prefer English - but only really because I dislike the sound of the word British!  

    My paternal family is Welsh anyway - so guess I am just a hybrid!

  16. Most of us like to be called by our constituent races.  English, Scottish, Irish, mean.

  17. I am a Brit, and happy to be called British

    It does annoy me a tad when people use the word English as a Synonym for British - ie, inclusive of Welsh, Scottish and Irish!

  18. Depends on the part of the UK you come from and how strong your national identity is.

    Wales = Welsh, Scotland = Scottish, England = English.

    These days there has been a real resurgence in national identity in the three respective countries and many people don't like being called British.  They prefer Welsh, Scottish, English etc.

    But its individual.  I'm Welsh but have no problem being called British, I was never brought up to be a Welsh Nationalist and don't have any strong feelings about it.  However there are some Welsh people out there who would be furious at being called British.  Depends on your background and the area of Wales you come from (some areas - like the North - are more Nationalistic than others)

  19. i think its more of a,county thing here in the UK and theres definitely a town/city thing going on. Its like if your from Liverpool (born and bred)your a scouse and proud of it like the Geordie's from Newcastle or mancs from Manchester and so for do we care ,of course we do because we have pride in our roots

  20. That depends on where they are from.

    Call a Scotsman English, and you might not walk away.

    Call a Englishman a Scot and you will get an earfull .

    Just listen to the accent and go from there.

  21. scottish

  22. English

  23. I don't like being called English, I prefere British

  24. I like to be called English

    We generally dont call our selfs Brit's or British.

    I like to be called English because England used to own an empire and also the language that all Americans speak is English which just reminds you all how powerful we used to be for such a tiny country.

    Yeh i sound big headed it just like to remind the occasional big headed Americans who think they are so high and mighty.

  25. Great question with some really interesting, diverse answers.

    I think that it depends on context.  If I am in a conversation with other people from the British Isles (say someone from Edinburgh, someone from Cardiff and someone from Belfast for the sake of argument) then I would consider myself English.

    However, were I to be having exactly the same conversation with an American. a German and an Australian, I might think of myself as British.

    Likewise, in football or rugby I cheer for England; at the Olympics I cheer for Great Britain; and in the Ryder Cup I cheer for Europe.

  26. Either one is O K.

  27. I'm not British/English/etc., I just want to say I agree with Avondrow. The news here says the 'Prime Minister of England' and things like that, which is completely incorrect usage, as he's also the Prime Minister of Scotland. Wales, and Northern Ireland.

  28. Scottish because I am proud to be a Scot

  29. Scottish ! then British !!

  30. I was born in scotland and like to be called scottish.  It really pisses me off when i fill in forms and it asks for your race and there is no scottish only british i make a point of selecting other and writing scottish there.

  31. Scottish.

    Scotland is a country.

    The U.S.A. is a country.

    It is not a case of caring, I am Scottish in the same way that you are American.

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