
Do Cancers get 'down' more often than others?

by Guest33928  |  earlier

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I have a lot of Cancer and other water elements in my birth chart. Are you a Cancer (or have it in your chart), do you feel that things hit you harder than most others?




  1. Yes they do but i just go home and listen to Linkin Park's In the End and then its all good.

  2. I too have a lot of water in my chart. My sun, moon and saturn are all in cancer (sun and moon in the 4th house) and I have a pisces rising. Yes, things hit me harder than most people I know and I am so sensitive that it bugs me but I'm pretty good at not showing it (unless your close to me then you pretty much know). My friends say I go to "a dark place" to fix whats bothering me when I'm down and they know there's nothing they can do or say that's gonna help then one day I'll realize life is wonderful and I'll make brownies and cupcakes for everyone I know. I used to think I was slightly manic or something because I when I'm down I'm REALLY down but in general I'm so freaking upbeat and happy that I figured I must be a little crazy. But to answer your question I don't think I get down more often than others but it definitely hits me harder and takes me a little longer and a lot of solitude to deal with it.  

  3. I've got a ton of Cancer in my chart. Yup, I talk about it as if it is the actual disease, because sometimes that's exactly what it feels like. My Sun, Mercury, and Venus are all in Cancer.  I also have two planets in Scorpio, so one would say I am a watery mess. LOL  

    I think I'm definitely a lot more sensitive than others around me, and I also have observed that it takes me longer to pull out of a down period than it does others.  Things that would absolutely cripple me emotionally seem to only slighty bother others....for instance, I know a woman whose husband left her after 20 years of marriage. Within three months she was out there dating, and I feel that if it were me I would still be lying curled up in the fetal position crying and barely able to breathe for at LEAST six months. Know what I mean? So I guess in short, I do agree that Cancer's get hit a little harder than others.  Good question, by the way.

  4. I have sun and venus in cancer in my midheaven,and to be very honest yes i do feel things very deeply,and i take things too personally at times also even if someone says something thats like a innocent remark or comment i will  take it very wrong,and also analyze it so much that i make myself almost "sick" over it,but also i have an aquarius moon that helps me balance out my emotions whenever things get too difficult to handle.I have a balance of water and air signs in my chart,but i have my moon sign in the 4th house,and also trine my ascendant in (libra) so it definitely adds to my sensitivity,and deeply caring nature,but also makes me sensitive to criticism too.When i'm in a relationship i can be real clingy too,and i'm the type who likes to stay at home a lot also.

  5. hmmm i have a cancer rising, and i think i might predispose me to being at 'home' whether that be home home or school home.....i like to stay in a lot.....and what is said of cancers being homebodies that do not like to go out....kind of holds true at times......i also need a lot of alone time to myself too as cancers are known to need this sort of 'retreat' so to speak b/c htey are sensitive and can pick up on the moods of others....and be influenced by them too....

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