
Do Cancers lie?

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I'm an Aries with a Taurus moon, and my best friend is a Cancer with a Cancer moon. Yet he is so mean and self-absorbed. And he NEVER cries. NEVER. I mean he lost his job, got kicked out of his house, and his car was broken into and he still hasn't had a breakdown. Do you think he's just a freak of nature or are most Cancers like this?




  1. Your powers of observation are good.  That is possibly why Aries make excellent leaders.  They know what they know.  As for your fist question.  Yes Cancerians lie like a rug sorry to sound like I am putting them down, but that is the truth.  Telling untruths is a thing any intelligent person learns to do as a protective defense mechanism.  I not say it is a good thing to do or that I agree with it I also am just making an observation.   As for not being bothered by anything that is why Cancer is the crab in astrology.  The crab has a hard shell to protect it from it attackers.  It does have a soft inside if you can crack its hard shell but good luck trying to do it.  So are Cancerian people.  They can take just about every name you may call them and adversities that may happen to them with out showing any emotions.  They still make good friends though once you understand their ways and they would never let a friend starve.  They have a lot of compassion to them.

  2. Everyone lies at some point

  3. Why yes they do, a good friend of mind well kind of good friend. Who I have know for most of my life is a cancer. I lived with him for a short bit (thats when I heard most of it), but he has had a thing  to just lie about the dumbest and most point this things all his life.

  4. cancers often tell the emotional truth, that is they exaggerate the story to how they felt emotionally. If he felt that he did not want to make a big deal of his loses emotionally, then he wont act like they matter.

    the reason you think hes so self absorbed is they tend to think their emotions are more important then any one elses, except the ones of his loved ones.

    Lots of bad things have happened to me, being a cnacer, and i know there isn't much i can do about it except keep busy and organissing to improve my life, cancers are go getters just like aries.. perhaps he is professionaly to you because he is nervous around you or he likes you :) it takes them time to open up, and they can be quite funny, chatting and changable in conversation once they trust someone enough to let their guard down. good luck!

  5. I cry a lot and I am a cancer.  Everyone does lie at some point. Some people more than others.

    The thing is w/ all the stuff that  happened to him, more than likely it will catch up to him at one point.

  6. maybe his ascendant  is in an air sign.  my friend is a cancer and her moon is in pisces so you'd imagine she'd be super sensitive and caring but when it comes down to it she is really superficial and just wants to talk about stuff and not on a deep level either.  once things start getting to the emotional deep stuff she clams up and usually wants to change the subject.  I love her to death but it's not one of her strong points to talk sensitive.  Yeah and her ascendant is in gemini.

  7. i also have a best friend who is cancer, and yes they can lie there butts off, infact your friend acts a bunch like my friend, when ever something goes wrong , she acts like its nothing, and that its no big deal, i have a dad who is a cancer and he also acts as if nothing is wrong, like nothing bothers them, and everything is okay, when infact nothing is, the only thing that bothers my cancer friend is when something goes wrong in a relationship, other than that nothing else seems to matter, jobs, money, or possesions, me being a leo all that is first

  8. Yes, they do lie like crazy!

    They also seem to vary between being super sensitive and crying at the drop of the hat, to not being shaken by anything at all.  So, I think your friend is a perfectly normal Cancerian.  Good luck.

    I'm an Aries also.
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