
Do Candles pollute greenhouse gasses?

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Like soy or beeswax do they pollute greenhouse gases like CO2 if so how much is it compared to running one compact fluorescent lamp for about a hour or so? please sight your sources




  1. not quite as much as the power stations in china sorry but wake up and smell the coffee.

  2. Please translate into English. I've never thought  of polluting a pollutant. Does that make it worse or better?

  3. only at a rock &roll concert

  4. " Like i care"

  5. It pollutes such a tiny amount of greenhouse gases  compared to a light it is worthwhile to use a candle

  6. yes it does

    not that much

  7. I have a very hard time accepting that CO2 is a pollutant....can we just make everyone who thinks this hold their breaths for just 15 minutes all at once?????back to your candle...CO would be more worrisome in a small area than the minute amount of CO2 released by the candle.

  8. yes, they do.

    it is a small amount, but regular candles are bd for the air.

    however, i suggest switching to candles made out of natural materials such as soy.  they are good for the environment and your health.  and with a soy candle, the melted soy-wax is a great lotion!  ;]

  9. Oh yes!!!  Please use your computer monitor for lighting, it is so much less polluting!

  10. everything that uses energy has a carbon footprint but a candle is very small compared with say a 60watt bulb,

  11. lol

  12. candles PRODUCE greenhouse gasses,they don't POLLUTE greenhouse gasses.

  13. I think you mean do they produce greenhouse gases.

    Yes they do, but they produce so little it's barely worth mentioning.

    I've no idea how much CO2 is produced from using a CF bulb, maybe you can research that?

  14. Very little, but with so many being lit these days perhaps their contribution to CO2 in the atmosphere is significant.

  15. Global Warming doesn't exist. The government is only trying to scare us, and even if there is global warming, it wouldnt happen in the next 30 years, or even 60 I bet. The only thing thats going on is an energy crisis, not global warming. An increase of a degree over like 20 years? So what.

  16. Burning candles produce carbon dioxide.

    Each candle produces a small of CO2 but, relative to its light output, it is a huge amount.  The equivalent amount of light from a fluorescent bulb causes less total pollution.

  17. Everything that burns, pollutes. Human beings "burn" sugar during cell respiration which releases byproducts like CO2 which is a greenhouse gas.

    Compared to a compact fluorescent lamp (CFL), a candle probably releases more greenhouse gasses than the CFL. A CFL runs on around 25 - 30 watts is less than half than most incandescent lightbulbs.

  18. greenhouse gas is already a form of pollution so candles can't pollute something that is already polluted.  and i can't really "sight" my sources as i can't see them.  is this a homework question?

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