
Do Captains ever lead their troops?

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The Warrior

by Elaine P

The Warrior commanded his troops:

"Follow me!" (not: "Charge!").

His troops followed as he

led them into fierce battle

against words, hiding

behind trite phrases,

caged in rhyme.

The followed, unwillingly

at first, fearing the place

but few had trod before.

No one died that day,

though many had expected

to sink into the morass

of oblivion.




  1. I love how the general/warrior/captain wants his troops to follow him, not charge. I like how you added that into your poem also. This makes me think of our troops over in Iraq, some of my mother's best friends are there now, and I am praying every day that they come home to thier little baby girl.

    Pray for our troops, It's the least we can do.

  2. This is to me, above all, a poem about faith.  The innocence of the narrator, whose story is literally fantastic, inevitably counterpoints with the reader's experience, which thinks it knows better; I find the aesthetic appeal of this poem, as in many late mediaeval Christmas carols, to reside in the tension between `faith' and the reader who `knows better.'

    The distinction between `charge' and `follow me' reminds me of the story about Julius Caesar, who, for his own personal bravery, was always on close terms with his troops; he therefore broke with tradition to address them as `commilitones' (comrades) rather than the more distant `viri' (men).  But once, when he was angry, he called them all `quirites' (citizens), and this unwanted distance from their beloved leader effected an immediate reconciliation.

  3. Just say the word, I will follow you anywhere. You are a great leader. Also loved your poem.

  4. I will always follow a leader who leads by example and word.

  5. I absolutely loved this poem and the way you put words into the battle...Very original and great.

  6. Nice poem, nicely written!!

    The followed, unwillingly--did you mean

    They followed unwillingly

    Or is this the hidden part of the words that you are mentioning!  Cheers!!

  7. Nice Elaine.  Reminds of a line from Pink Floyd:

    "Forward he cried from the rear, and the front rank died."

  8. Never point the way, always lead them onward.  If one should fall, better it be the leader.  Then another can step up to lead, and be victorious.

  9. How many poems are on the cutting room floor this time? Feel free to ask for edits, or to destroy. Wonderful poem, I'm glad to know that no one is dead.

  10. Devious little cusses

    those words

    Always rising up to bite.

    A sneak attack or two

    even pleading for mercy

    But the warrior, grizzled

    takes it all in

    Snip, Snip...the pruning done!

  11. Lol. Was this the battle of the dictionaries? Nicely done, I loved it.

  12. General Washington charged through many a retreat, the other way, back toward the line.

  13. "The pen is mightier than the word." did I get that right?

    "Lead on McDuff!"

    I write

    I fight

    I need

    You lead

    Where do I sign up?

  14. sign me up!

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