
Do Carl's Junior Commercials Make You Wanna Puke?

by Guest67186  |  earlier

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Don't bother me I'm eating? More like don't bother me I am attempting to have s*x with a hamburger. I could eat without using hands and not get as much of that garbage on my face. This new one the guy has chili all over his face it looks like he is into scat.




  1. they all ways make me super hungry

  2. You do know that your television remote allows you to change channels, or just turn off the unit, right?

  3. no u du

  4. we dont have carl's by us but we have hardee's witch i believe is the same company. But i would agree with you, thier commercials are more repulseive then they are good looking. I doesnt even make me want to try there food

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